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我们怎么表示这些呢How do we indicate these?

具有墨尽提示功能。It can indicate ink finish.

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这两张牌是用来做什么的?What does these two cards indicate?

图中每格代表多少米?How many meters does 1 box indicate?

有迹象表明,行市准备上升。Market ready upswing as sign indicate.

正,恰恰正如你所言。用来表示赞同。As you say. Used to indicate agreement.

具有墨量低和墨尽提示功能。It can indicate ink low and ink finish.

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我会提醒大家那个时间的。So I will indicate when that moment is.

云彩预示着即将下雨了。The clouds indicate the coming of rain.

运用光标暗示来表达受范性。Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy.

拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。Don't forget to indicate before turning.

油流中的间隙表示未使用容量。Gaps in oil flow indicate unused capacity.

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率的规模,表明交通率的价值。Rate scale to indicate traffic rate value.

张力也等于我的体重。The tension here would indicate my weight.

填写国家,出生日期,和性别。Indicate nationality, birthdate, and gender.

我们用抑扬符表示一算符。We use a circumflex to indicate an operator.

在纹章学中,红色用来象征勇气。In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage.

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它还表明了所有者和目的。It should also indicate the owner and intent.

佩勒姆走过去指着一张挂图。Pelham moved across to indicate a wall chart.

您应当为它们命名来指出位置。You could name them to indicate the location.