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负债者是债主的奴隶。A debtor is a slave to his creditor.

他设法把债主搪塞过去了。He managed to stall off his creditor.

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你和原来的债权人之间的协议原件。The original agreement between you and the original creditor.

他与债权人达成协定延期付款。He compounded with his creditor for a postponement of payment.

法院发出的让第三债务人向判定债权人付还债务的命令。Court order, make a garnishee pay money to a judgment creditor.

这是一个其余大债权国同样面临的问题。This is a problem echoed by the rest of the big creditor nations.

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并且每个人都知道,中国现在是美国最大的外国债权人。And as everyone knows, China is now America’s biggest foreign creditor.

可悲的是,那些富裕的债权国,比如德国,却做得很少。Lamentably, rich creditor countries, such as Germany, are doing much less.

银行与储户的关系主要是债务人和债权人的关系。Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor.

其一,一位与秋明石油公司有关联的债权人于1998年为一笔未尝账单对Chernogorneft公司提起诉讼。First, in 1998 a TNK-related creditor sued Chernogorneft for an unpaid bill.

悲哀的是,那些富裕的债权国,比如德国,做得很少。Rich creditor countries, such as Germany, are 2. lamentably doing much less.

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债权人收回房产,将它以100卖出,并记录损失50。The creditor repossesses the property, sells it for 100, and books loss of 50.

令许可债权人临时占有借债人的财产的一种书面命令。A writ allowing a creditor to assume temporary ownership of a debtor's property.

债权人的请求权没有人数多少、顺序先后、范围大小的限制。The claim power of the creditor has no restriction on number, sequence, or range.

受领是债权人的权利还是义务,向有争议。There are many disputes about whether acceptance is right or duty for the creditor.

恰如任何依附的债务人,美国必须加倍小心,不要招惹其主要债权人。Like any dependent debtor, we must be very careful not to offend our major creditor.

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在大不列颠,一种允许债主临时占有借债人的财产的书面命令。In Great Britain, a writ allowing a creditor to seize a debtor's property temporarily.

使债主搜刮他所有的家产,使外人劫掠他劳力的所赚。May the creditor seize all his belongings and strangers plunder the fruits of his toil.

故债务人的债务履行期未至,不发生债权人代位权。So the debtor's debt to perform period, not to, not occur creditor subrogation authority.