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鞘膜积液几岁动手术最适合?How old are most suitable for hydrocele surgery?

近年来对鞘膜积液的治疗有了新的进展。There was new progression in the therapy of hydrocele.

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结论该方法创伤小,简单安全,手术疗效确切值得推广应用。CONCLUSION Its a simple and safe method to treat the hydrocele.

目的探索一种治疗小儿鞘膜积液的手术方法。Objective To explore an operation of treating children hydrocele.

目的探讨小儿鞘膜积液的手术新疗法。Objective To study the new operation therapy of child vaginal hydrocele.

大多数睾丸鞘膜积液是先天的,也就是说,男婴生下来就带有积液。In most cases, a hydrocele is congenital, i. e. a baby boy is born with it.

全部病例无复发,无睾丸萎缩及鞘膜积液。All patients did not have the complications such as recurrence, testis atrophy and hydrocele.

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病变主要表现为肿块或管壁增厚,间接征象包括输尿管积水及膀胱输尿管夹角改变。Their indirect findings were hydrocele of ureter and angle changing between ureter and bladder.

以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。近年来对鞘膜积液的治疗有了新的进展。Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past.

此病的病理变化的实质是膜迷路积水。The pathological entity of the disease is hydrocele of the membranous labyrinthine of the cochlea.

目的改善睾丸鞘膜积液术后效果减少术后并发症。AIM To improve the outcome and decrease the complication after the operation of the hydrocele of testis.

目的探讨B超诊断输尿管结石无同侧肾积水的临床应用价值。Objective To study the clinical value of B ultrasound in the diagnosis of ureterolithiasis without ipsilateral kidney hydrocele.

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你说的情况我家宝宝也有,我也看过医生,他说这叫婴小宝宝鞘膜积液。You said the situation in my family have babies, I have seen a doctor, he said that infants and young children called hydrocele.

结论阻力指数鉴别单侧梗阻性和非梗阻性上尿路积水的能力可能有限,阻力指数率可能有助于单侧上尿路积水的鉴别。Conclusion RI may play no role in the differential diagnosis for unilateral upper urinary hydrocele. Resistive index ratio may contribute to it.

治疗的鞘膜积液在很大程度上取决于年龄和水平,舒服,是很常见的转介至泌尿系统专家作决定。Treatment of the hydrocele largely depends on age and level of discomfort, and it is common to be referred to a urinary system specialist for a decision.

采空区积水严重时,会导致工作面以至整个矿井的淹没,因此,必须正确运用多种方法探测采空区积水,解除水患。The serious hydrocele of the excation might conduce the working face or livelong minesubmerged, So need use many ways to detect the hydrocele of the excavation.

术后发生阴囊水肿3例,无一例有感染、复发、腹股沟区慢性疼痛、睾丸萎缩、射精痛等并发症发生。There were 3 case of hydrocele of the scrotum after operation. No of infection, recurrence, chronic pain in the inguinal area, atrophy of testis, or pain during ejaculation occurred.