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还有,孩子他爸可能会被女儿的这个主意引发中风的。More to the point, her father would be apoplectic at the idea.

但在墨西哥湾海岸的舆论正变得越来越激烈和末世论。But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic.

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目的观察针灸治疗中风运动障碍的疗效。Objective To investigate the curative effect of acupuncture on apoplectic dyskinesia.

老伙计犹豫了一下,目光由从他的珍贵的头盔望向狂暴的军士长。The old boy hesitated, looking from his precious helmet to the apoplectic Oberfeldwebel.

是怒火中烧的读者在敲键盘、写邮件投诉这个专栏话题吗?Is it the sound of apoplectic readers typing irate e-mails about the subject of this column?

“他们的手像中风似的还要在那抖2下,而且还敲得很响”。"Their hand resembles apoplectic like tremble 2 times in that even, and still knock very noisily ".

提示针药结合比单纯中药及常规组治疗缺血中风偏瘫疗效好。It is showed that combined acupuncture and medication is quite effective for ischemic apoplectic paralysis.

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是在智能获得充分发展后,由于中风的损害造成退化的结果。Due to the apoplectic damage, it is the degenerative consequence after thoroughly developed the intelligence.

结论头针滞针法久留针治疗中风偏瘫优于常规头针法。Conclusion The needle retaining therapy has the better effect than the common therapy on apoplectic hemiparalysis.

方法运用阴经电针疗法治疗中风偏瘫肢体肌张力增高37例。Method Yin meridian electroacupuncture was used to treat high muscular tension of limb in 37 cases of apoplectic hemiplegia.

半身麻木有时是中风的主要先兆,但很多人将其误会为颈椎病。Half body coma is apoplectic main foreboding sometimes but a lot of people are its misunderstanding cervical vertebra disease.

民主党,说到他们,在谈到将享受社保的年龄提高一岁这个问题上变得不可理喻,他们认为2050年才可能实现。Democrats, for their part, became apoplectic about a proposal to raise the retirement age for Social Security by one year — in 2050.

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目的观察比较头针滞针法久留针与常规头针法治疗中风偏瘫的疗效差异。Objective To observe the different effects between needle retaining therapy and the common therapy of scalp acupuncture on apoplectic hemiparalysis.

本文作者认为,红细胞变形性测定可作为中风高危因素和机体老化程度测定的参考指标。The au- thors think determination of red cell deformability may be used as reference indexes of apoplectic high risk factor and organism aging process.

周日,查韦斯要求周一所有组织机构停业,以庆祝他掌权十周年,为此老板们几乎气晕过去。Business owners were apoplectic after Chávez decreed on Sunday that all establishments had to close on Monday to celebrate his 10th anniversary in power.

结果与结论观察组效果优于对照组,表明涌泉穴对中风后遗症的特定疗效。Results and Conclusion The effect was better in the observation group than the control group, showing that point Yongquan had a specific effect on apoplectic sequela.

而且,气温大幅度波动还会造成冠状动脉和脑动脉血管痉挛,导致冠心病和中风。And, air temperature fluctuates substantially still can cause coronary artery and spasm of cerebral artery blood-vessel, bring about coronary heart disease and apoplectic.