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去年的暴动发生之后,乌干达民众和政府之间的关系变得非常紧张。Relations between the Buganda people and the government have been tense since riots last year.

卡苏比王陵位于首都坎帕拉的市郊,受到乌干达人数最多的部族布甘达人民的敬仰。Kasubi tombs just outside the capital Kampala are revered by Uganda's most populous tribe, the Buganda.

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自此之后,大部分的巴干达人投票赞成全国抵抗运动,政党的布干达决策干部会议在国会中有着重大的影响力。Since then, most Baganda have cast their vote for the NRM, and the party's Buganda caucus is a substantial force in parliament.

枪声响彻坎帕拉部分地区,布干达暴力支持者与警察之间发生了持久的暴力冲突。With gunshots there going through parts of Kampala, rioting supporters of the king of Buganda fought running battles with police.

来自布干达部落的愤怒青年用燃烧的路障堵塞街道,向警察投掷石块。警察用催泪弹予以回应。Angry youths from the Buganda tribe block streets with burning barricades and threw stones at police, who responded with tear gas.

据报告,在坎帕拉一处接近布干达省办事处的地方发生了炮火袭击,而坎帕拉的其他大多数地区也仍在关闭中。There are reports of gunfire from a part of Kampala around Buganda Community offices and the rest of the city remains largely closed.

一位乌干达男子向警方自首,承认自己在本月早些时候防火烧了五座布干达国王的皇家坟墓。A man has turned himself in to Ugandan police and confessed to setting fire to five royal tombs of the traditional Buganda kings earlier this month.

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此外,对巴干达宽宏大量也会激怒其他王国特别是邻近的布尼奥罗,乌干达新发现的油田就在该王国领地内。Besides, generosity to Buganda would aggravate the other kingdoms, particularly neighboring Bunyoro, whose land includes Uganda's new-found oilfields.

暴动开始于对抗政府的示威游行,示威游行针对政府阻止布甘达国王访问乌干达某地区,害怕他出现在该地区会引发动乱。The violence started during a demonstration against government attempts to stop the king of Buganda from visiting a region of Uganda where it was feared his presence could lead to unrest.

布甘达长期以来一直要求为其国王争取更多的正式的政治权利,同时控制他们传统的土地、包括首都卡帕拉和周边地区的领土。The Buganda have long demanded more formal political powers for their king as well as control over their traditional land, territory that includes the capital Kampala and its surrounding districts.