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他见义勇为地拯救落水儿童。He acted heroically saving the child from drowning.

可是红军得到了唯一的一只摆渡,英勇地渡过了河。But the Red Army got the only boat and heroically went over.

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这些年来他们一起为独立而英勇战斗。All these years they have been fighting heroically for independence.

卓娅英勇地承受法西斯匪徒加在她身上的酷刑。Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her.

汉克斯咬紧牙关,一丝不苟地模仿艾滋病造成的虚弱。Hanks so scrupulously, heroically mimes the wasting wought by the disease.

即使对于北欧的雷神也是十分巨大,索尔的头盔直径约30光年。Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor's Helmet is about 30 light-years across.

他们唱着“冬泳健儿之歌”扑向冰冷的江水。They sang the heroically "Song of Sportsmen of Wintertime Swimming", plunging into the ice-cold water.

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“我来拿奶油和松饼,”艾美接着说,英雄似地放弃了自己最喜欢吃的东西。"I shall take the cream and the muffings, " added Amy, heroically giving up the article she most liked.

当地新闻报道指出斯托达德英勇在他的妻子,谁被击中,但大难不死驶来。A local news report indicated Stoddard heroically stepped in front of his wife, who was shot but survived.

纪律严明的瑞典军队不顾自己队伍巨大的伤亡,始终英勇地坚持战斗。The well-disciplined Swedish army, despite its rapidly thinning ranks, was sticking heroically to its task.

纪念“12.9”青年运动,回顾历史,缅怀那些在运动中英勇献身的烈士们。Memorial, "12.9" youth movement, to review history and memory of those who gave their lives heroically in the movement.

不过,奥地利人有着恰恰相反的政策指导措施并自豪地坚持清算才是解决危机之道。Meanwhile, the Austrians have the opposite set of policy guidelines and have heroically held to their recipe of liquidation.

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在一家小酒馆里,泰尔英勇地把杀害安妮莎父亲的凶手逼入死角,打倒了这个恶棍,领到了赏金。Tel heroically cornered the murderer of Aneesa's father in a cantina and bested the villain in combat, collecting the bounty.

连着好几个月,偶都眼巴巴地看着一股灰色的烟柱从烟囱顶上冒出,直冲云霄,最终消失在灰蒙蒙的烂大气里。So for months I have watched a gray plume rise heroically from the smokestack’s summit, disappearing into the gray muckosphere.

与此同时,全世界有许多工作人员勇敢地尝试用这些数据构建气候记录。In the meantime, there are many workers around the world who heroically try to work with these data to construct the climate record.

尤其是西方,总是觉得中国的公众人物应该英勇地甚至象烈士一般与权力抗争。In particular, Western opinion expects of Chinese public figures to fight heroically and even suicidally against their own government.

故事讲述了抗日某营七连六班的五位战士掩护大部队转移英勇献身的故事。The story is about a battalion of the Japanese seven with six classes five fighters cover the transfer of large forces heroically story.

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从二战时期的塔拉瓦海滩,到越战时期的狐步岭,像琼斯这样的几代人英勇地为国家战斗。Generations of Joneses have served heroically on the battlefield, from the beaches of Tarawa in World War II, to Foxtrot Ridge in Vietnam.

几内亚总统呼吁民众保持冷静,一个在他家的资本,科纳克里郊区过夜攻击。Conde called on everyone to remain calm following the attack, in which he says the presidential guard fought heroically and called for reinforcements.

英烈业绩厅则介绍了在平津战役中英勇捐躯的烈士们的姓名和事迹。Heroes are on the performance of the Office of the Beiping-Tianjin Battle of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives heroically in their names and deeds.