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养成每日定时排便的习惯。Nurturance is daily and time the habit of defecate.

应养成晨起定时大便的习惯。Should time since nurturance morning the habit of defecate.

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养成勤于学习、善于思考的良好习惯。Nurturance diligent at learning, be good at thinking habits.

这表明越来越多的网民正在养成输入。This shows more and more netizens are being inputted in nurturance.

他们强调控制,却不通过培养和支持来获取。They emphasize control, without nurturance or support to achieve it.

不过还好,我已经养成了学习的好习惯。Not bad nevertheless, I already nurturance the good convention of study.

假如角质层过厚,营养成分就很难渗入。If corneous layer heavy panel, battalion nurturance divides very difficult infiltration.

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她从小就养成逆来顺受,不敢怒不敢言的自卑内向性格。She was nurturance resignation, dare not anger can't words inferiority introverted natures.

窗台前的储物柜可以帮助他们养成整理物品的习惯。Before windowsill store the habit that content ark can help their nurturance liquidate goods.

她不在娇纵,也养成了和不同类型的人相处的习惯。She is absent pamper, also nurturance the habit that gets along with the person of different type.

适合以策略、养成、模拟经营为主题的游戏产品。Suit to manage the game product that gives priority to a problem with politic, nurturance , imitate.

职校生的养成教育也就成了职校德育的重要内容。The nurturance education is the most important content for the moral education of vocational school.

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很多人都在为父亲每天的吞云吐雾感到担忧,又无可奈何父亲几十年养成的烟瘾。Many people are in for father's day content worried, and helpless father decades nurturance addiction.

对罗杰斯来说,“自我实现”是一个自然的过程,然而它需要养育者的养育。For Rogers, "self- actualization " is a natural process, yet it requires the nurturance of a caregiver.

由于家境困苦,春草从小养成坚强、不服输的性格。As a result of family circumstances pinch, chun Cao as a child nurturance adamancy, emulative disposition.

因此一定要多学习预防医学知识,养成良好的生活习惯。Because this must learn precautionary medicine knowledge more , the habits and customs with good nurturance.

我们在就餐时应养成清淡饮食的习惯,这样才是最直接地减少油烟的方法。We answer when repast nurturance is delicate dietary habit, such ability are most the method that reduces lampblack forthrightly.

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我十八岁开始就不和父母住在一起,第一是独立性已经养成。I begin 18 years old to live together with respect to disaccord parents, the first it is independent character already nurturance.

后来,父母亲会给予更多的限制,对于他们供应的滋养的数量跟种类。包容的程度也被抹除。Later the parents will place further limits on the amount and kind of nurturance they provide, and the degree of containment is eased.

假如你有随手扔衣服的习惯,那么从现在开始,你可以养成把衣服挂到更衣室的习惯了。If you have conveniently to throw the habit of the dress, so begin from now, you are OK nurturance hangs the dress to the habit of bathhouse.