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疱疹病毒通过体液传播。HSV spreads through body fluids.

为了强调这一点,我用的RGB和HSV颜色模型。To emphasis this point, I have used RGB and HSV colour models.

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单纯疱疹病毒很熟练地穿透皮肤并进入神经链路。HSV is adept at penetrating the dermis and reaching the nerve pathways.

世界性的确诊HSV感染的标准是病毒学的确诊。The gold standard for diagnosis of acute HSV infection is viral culture.

观察老鹳草滴眼液治疗兔实验性单纯疱疹性角膜炎的疗效。To observe the therapeutic effects of laoguancao eye drops on experimental HSV keratitis.

结论HSV血清学检查对儿童HSV感染具有重要的诊断意义。Conclusions HSV serologic examination is useful in the diagnosis of HSV infection in children.

在该系列影像中,我们将看到边缘系统,同时也是典型HSV脑炎的受损区域。We will see the limbic system on this tour, as shown by the lesions of a typical case of HSV encephalitis.

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本文用试管内复活的HSV-1模型研究了CC和ACV对小鼠三叉神经节内潜伏HSV的作用。Effects of CC and ACV on latent HSV in trigeminal ganglia were studied by reactivated HSV-1 model in vitro.

在1970年制订的标准仍阿昔洛韦复方药物治疗各种疱疹。First developed in the 1970s, the compound acyclovir remains the standard drug for treating various forms of HSV.

眼睛单纯性庖疹是因为角膜感染了单纯疱疹病毒,是美国最常见的致盲性眼部感染。Ocular herpes occurs when the cornea is infected with HSV. It is the most common infectious cause of blindness in the US.

他受损的右脚踝骨被范·迪加科教授钉上了螺钉。汉堡队的队医奥利弗·迪尔克博士观看了手术的过程。The broken bone in his left ankle was fixed with a screw by Professor van Dijk in the presence of the HSV team doctor Dr.

乙级俱乐部萨尔布吕肯宣布他们已经签下了前汉堡队后卫史蒂芬.克林。Second division club Saarbrücken has announced that they have secured the services of the now former HSV defender Stephan Kling.

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与易于通过血液传播的病原体不同,HSV隐藏于背部被称为脊髓神经节的神经细胞内。Unlike pathogens that spread in readily accessed blood, HSV hides out in nerve cells called dorsal ganglia, located in the back.

在对斯图加特的比赛品尝到失败之后,汉堡希望在主场以取胜杜伊斯堡的方式回到积分榜前列。After tasting defeat in Stuttgart last time out, HSV wanted to return to winning ways by beating bottom-placed MSV Duisburg at home.

主要研究了RGB和HSV颜色空间下的颜色分割方法,以及简单向量滤波器SVF颜色分割方法。Besides the HSV color space segmentation and RGB color space segmentation, the simple vector filter SVF color segmentation is studied.

HSV是普遍存在的,但幸运的是,在美国,每年每百万感染的个体中只有1至2例发展为HSV脑炎。HSV is ubiquitous, but fortunately, only 1 or 2 cases per million infected individuals develop the encephalitis of HSV each year in the US.

采用HSV颜色模型中的亮度分量和最佳阈值法对场景图像中标志区域进行二值化处理。Subvariable V in HSV color model and the optimal threshold value algorithm were used to process sign area binarization in freeway scene image.

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妊娠妇女在出现生殖器疱疹症状时就应及于阿昔洛维来减少病损持续的时间。Acyclovir should be administered to pregnant women experiencing a first episode of HSV during pregnancy to reduce the duration of active lesions.

在基于颜色特征的检索方面,选用HSV颜色空间,并介绍了RGB空间与HSV空间的转化方法。As for color-based image retrieval, the paper select HSV space, at the same time the transformation between RGB space and HSV space is presented.

文中通过在线肤色训练,在HSV色彩空间中对训练区中的彩色图像进行去噪,得到针对当前应用环境下终端用户的肤色统计模型。Then, based on the features of H and S sub-channels of HSV color space, this paper uses K-means algorithm to classify those areas into nine parts.