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卖鹌鹑蛋的。Quail egg lady.

我有一个好太太。I got a nice lady.

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夫人快活地说。Lady cheerily said.

Hale转而将枪口对着Lisa,“把电话筒扔了,女士。Drop the phone lady.

在汝身旁,我的夫人。Beside thee, my Lady.

她举止像位贵妇人。She behaves as a lady.

穿短裤的女士,博格?The shorts lady. Boog?

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那里面的女人是谁?Who is the lady in it?

你是那位年长的女士?You are that old lady?

那嫂夫人最好吗?How is your good lady ?

偶尔装一下淑女。I can try to be a lady.

你先走!女士优先!After you ! lady first !

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他的妻子是个娴雅的淑女。His wife is a real lady.

她活动矜重象一个淑女。She behaved like a lady.

一位弯着腿的女士。A lady resting, leg bent.

请问哪位是赵夫人?Excuse me, which is lady?

解除玛玟夫人的诅咒。Lift Lady Marwen's curse.

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好的,那位年轻的女士Yes, young lady out here.

唉呀,那位女士真冷!Gees , that lady was cold!

我在这里见淑女连。I'm here to see Lady Lien.