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因此,马克·吐温的训谕依然正确。So Mark Twain’s injunction stands.

军政府废除了禁令。The military government dissolved the injunction.

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也许,我们能申请禁制令,让他无法接触那棵杨柳树,或者干脆将杨柳树没收。Maybe we could get an injunction or impound his tree.

这个悍然的命令就像晶体物质一般。The pert injunction was like those crystal substances.

法庭对被告发出了禁制令。The court granted an injunction against the defendants.

后一种选择,通常被称为反诉讼禁令。The latter option, often known as an anti-suit injunction.

我觉得能拿到禁制令,但由你决定。We think we can get an injunction , but it's your decision.

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原告请求的救济为强制令和损害赔偿金。The relief the plaintiff sought was an injunction and damages.

其中奥斯里克与波格涅斯尤其尊重这一训令。Osric and Polonius, especially, seem to respect this injunction.

强制令的签发属于法院的自由裁量权。The granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court.

然而,该禁令意味着三星公司将与这个重要的展示机会失之交臂。However, the injunction means it will miss out on the opportunity.

接着分析了英国法上中间禁令的适用条件。Then it is the analysis of the system of Interlocutory Injunction in Britain.

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政府已申请禁制令,禁止该报发表此事。The government has seeked an injunction prevent the paper from publishing the story.

2月间,美国司法部正式提出上诉,要求解除这一禁制令。In February, the U.S. Justice Department filed a formal appeal to lift the injunction.

禁诉令在国际商事仲裁中的运用非常广泛。Nowadays, Anti-suit injunction is widely used in international commercial arbitration.

法律顾问建议申请向公司董事发禁止令。The legal adviser recommend apply for an injunction against the director of the company.

但这是让人惊讶的如果他因此就成了一个侵权者而且要承担责任!But it would be surprising if he thereby became an infringer and liable to an injunction.

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"这项强制令旨在暂停这笔交易,直至真相浮出水面,"一位消息人士称.""The injunction is designed to stop the deal until the truth comes out," one source said.

最近,一家工会赢得了一次法院判决,有些工人便阻止警察关厂。Some of them recently stopped police closing their factory after a union won an injunction.

倘若侵害有加剧之势,权利人可以提起不作为之诉。If further injuries are to be feared, the person entitled may seek a prohibitory injunction.