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播音员提到了塞尔比。The announcer mentioned Selby.

她是电视台的一名主持人。She is an announcer in TV broadcast.

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播音员因接受贿赂而被解雇了。The announcer was fired for taking payola.

一般来说,播音员的声音都很好听。Generally, the sound of an announcer is euphonic.

一个广播员可能拥有数百万名听众。A radio announcer may have an audience of millions.

他的妻子,史密斯夫人是位电视台的播音员。His wife, Mrs. Smiths was an announcer on TV broadcast.

平局!同时,中野确是一片混乱。Announcer a tie game ! they ' re scrambling in the alley.

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有人对他说,他的嗓音就像一位真正的播音主持人。People told him that he sounded like a real radio announcer.

你知道你成为一个电视播音员必须放弃一切吗?DO YOU know you have to give everything to become a TV announcer?

soony--我听广播员说是零下18度。soony--I heard the radio announcer say it was 18 degrees below zero.

后来,他当了一名广播播音员,并主持一个午夜喜剧节目。He later worked as a radio announcer and had a late-night comedy act.

两年后,他卸任,成了国家足球联盟的播音员。Two years later he retired and became a sports announcer for the NFL.

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比赛开始前,播音员宣读了运动员的名字。The announcer read out the names of the players before the game began.

播音员停止播放音乐,开始播发一条重要新闻。The announcer interrupted the radio music to give a special piece of news.

他是美国许多著名爵士乐音乐节和爵士乐音乐会的主持人。He was the announcer for many famous jazz festivals and concerts in America.

七点钟刚过,听到播音员说柏林边界正在打开。Shortly after seven, the announcer said the border in Berlin was opening up.

播音员提出了一系列问题,问我会如何进行处理。The announcer raised a series of issues and asked what I would do about them.

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后端就位并准备好存储消息后,您需要一个播音程序。With the back end in place and ready to store messages, you need an announcer.

当我离开水面时,广播员正大声喊着我们的名字。As I exited the water, the announcer was boisterously calling out all our names.

我已决定试着在电台找个事儿做,然后争取做体育节目的播音员。I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer.