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然而,卡纳塔克邦是花生产量唯一可能增加的邦。However, Karnataka is the only state where the production of groundnut may rise.

测得花育23和四粒红花生的物理特性及脱壳时外壳破裂受力大小。Physical performances and groundnut shelling force of HuaYu23 and Shilihong were determined.

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今天,她扯了几片当地的蔬菜叶子,和着舂碎的花生炖了一锅汤。Today she is making leaves from a local vegetable which she will mix with pounded groundnut to make a stew.

其中的一个方法就是给它们吃高蛋白的食物比如象紫花苜蓿,落花生和蔬菜叶。One way is to give the animals high-protein plants like alfalfa, groundnut grasses and vegetable leaves to eat.

著名的花生种植区在种植面积和单产方面都在遭受引人注目的下降。The famed groundnut growing region is suffering a striking decrease in terms of both cultivation area and yield.

一种就是给它们吃紫花苜蓿、花生茎叶之类高蛋白植物和疏菜叶子。One way is to give the animals high protein plants like a alfalfa, Groundnut grasses and vegetable leaves to eat.

颗粒接种剂通常就是为此而特制的,常用在处理过的花生种子上。Granular inoculant is made specifically for this purpose and is commonly used to inoculate treated groundnut seed.

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“落花生精神”成为一种写作的指导理念始终潜藏在许地山的文学创作动因中。Groundnut Inspirit"became a kind of leading principle that always hidden in Xu dishan's artistic creation motive."

花生荚的产量在前作水稻上施过绿肥的处理也表现显著的增加。The groundnut pods yield also significantly increased in treatment which received green manuring to previous rice.

以“印度的花生区”著称的索拉什特拉卡奇地区正面临着从农业地图上消失的威胁。The Saurashtra Kutch region, popularly known as India's groundnut bowl, is threatening to fall off the agricultural map.

用抗黄曲霉花生品种为父本,杂交育成了5个花生新品系。A groundnut variety with resistance to Aspergillus flavus was used as the male parent to breed 5 new groundnut varieties.

但是其他的,例如花生、椰子肉也在动物饲料中广泛应用,特别是在亚洲国家。But others like groundnut and copra are widely used in animal feed and are of crucial economic importance to countries in Asia.

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在卡奇-索拉什特拉地区,花生种植面积已经从2002年的260万公顷下降到190万公顷。From 26 lakh hectares in 2002, the groundnut cultivation area in the Kutch-Saurashtra region has gone down to 19 lakh hectares.

在所有的粮食谷物中,花生和椰子是最容易受黄曲霉毒素污染的。Of all the crop commodities used in animal feed maize, groundnut and copra are the most susceptible to aflatoxin contamination.

雨季的降雨量达到1972年以来最低水平,影响了稻米,糖和落花生的产量降低,导致价格上升。Prices have risen after the lowest monsoon rain levels since 1972 affected production of crops such as rice, sugar and groundnut.

SOMA已经决定要求中央政府对进口食用油征税,并给予花生出口许可。SOMA has decided to request the Central government to impose duty on imported edible oil and to give permission of groundnut export.

我司亦同时出口各种规格之中国大蒜﹑云豆﹑花生等各种农产品至世界各地。欢迎新旧客户随时洽谈业务。We are also exporting garlic of various specification, kidney beans groundnut kernel and different agricultural products to worldwide countries.

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古吉拉特邦占全国秋收花生面积的三分之一,产量约占全国秋收花生产量的百分之四十。Gujarat accounts for one third of the Kharif area under groundnut in the country and it contributes around 40 per cent of the Kharif groundnut production.

根据近期的双方的往来电报,我们非常荣幸的确认和贵方达成30公吨花生仁的交易。We wish to refer to the recent exchange of cables and are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 30metric tons of groundnut kernel.

“坦率地说,不会,”艾丽格拉说,她坚持“花生油用来吃亚洲食品,上乘的胡桃油是调味品的首选,能使肉炖的更好,”给她留下深刻印象的是我们试验的波亚提尔橄榄油小镇的葡萄籽油,在查尔斯解释他用它来做蛋黄酱之前,她不由惊呼“啊,真的很新鲜!”"Frankly, no, " says Allegra, explaining that she sticks to "groundnut oil for Asian food, and nice walnut oil is great in a dressing or for adding depth to stews".