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他拖欠了六个星期的租金。He is six week In arrear with his rent.

他拖欠了六个星期的租金。He is six weeks in arrear with his rent.

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积欠工资垫偿基金,由中央主管机关设管理委员会管理之。The arrear wage payment fund shall be managed by a commission established by the central competent authority.

国有商业银行在这方面已经落后于国内外同业。In this respect already in arrear of and domestic and international same profession in state-owned commercial bank.

但是由于建筑市场发育不够成熟,信用机制不健全,使得工程款拖欠问题十分严重。But due to the immature development of construction market and imperfect credit system, the arrear of wages is a very big problem.

农村村级债务在我国有愈积愈多、越拖越严重之趋势。The rural debts at a village level in China tends to be on the rise and is becoming increasingly serious with more payment in arrear.

随着军队医院越来越多的参与到地方医疗有偿服务中去,医疗欠费的规模也逐年增加。With the growing of military hospitals participating in paid medical services, the scale of medical arrear has been increasing each year.

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室内设计目前在中国是一个很热门的行业,然而关于室内设计理论的研究落后于实践的需要。The interior design is a very popular profession now in China, however it is in arrear of fulfillment of researches on interior designs theories.

该部分在对工程款拖欠进行法律界定后,就目前工程款拖欠的状况、拖欠的特点进行了论述。Arrear of construction payment is defined in legislative category, and the characteristic of current status on this social problem is demonstrated.

近十年来,公司产值和利税一年一个新台阶,从未拖欠民工工资,无对外债务及担保情况发生等。In recent decade, our company's output, profit and taxation have experienced new records year by year without arrear of workers' wages and occurrence of external debt and mortgage and so on.

我国山地城市由于受自然地理条件的限制,其“经济发展水平历来落后于平原和沿海地区,改革开放以来其间的差距还在拉大。”Because of suffering the restrict of term geography in mountainous urban , the level of economy development is gong by in arrear of plain urban with forehand , but the margin return at pull big.