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杰克是一名天气预报员。Jack is a weather forecaster.

OPEC为本周第二个调高需求预估的主要预测机构.OPEC is the second major forecaster to lift its demand estimates this week.

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有气象预报员称,目前尚无法预测圣诞当天的天气。A weather forecaster said it was not yet possible to predict what would happen on Christmas Day.

在震灾后,很多当地居民都在家里放水瓶,作为余震“预报”。After the devastating quake, many locals have put bottles in their house as a "forecaster" of aftershocks.

指出专家型预报队伍的建设是提高预报业务水平的关键环节。Thirdly, a forecaster expert team should be brought up both by routine forecast practice and scientific practice.

毕竟当每一个预言家预计着下一个危机再来的时候,很有可能市场已经为它准备好了。After all, when every forecaster is predicting “another shoe to drop, ” chances are the markets are prepared for it.

“人们看到这些就以为我们什么都预测得到”国家飓风中心的高级专家理查德·帕奇如是说。"People see that and assume we can predict everything, " National Hurricane Center senior forecaster Richard Pasch said.

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在一次又一次预测中国行将崩溃的言论落空阶段,走过了数十年的增长期,但暗淡的前景还是接踵而来。A negative outlook follows decades of growth, during which forecaster after forecaster was dead wrong about the country's coming collapse.

中国最资深的气象预报专家警告说,中国面临着气候灾害的增加,这将威胁到农作物生产以及经济增长。China faces an increase in weather disasters which will threaten crops and economic growth, the country's most senior forecaster has warned.

气候预报家罗杰霍华德称,他们还可以伪报本国或他国的碳排放量的数字来操纵国际法。They could also fudge their own, or their rivals', carbon output numbers to manipulate International legislation says forecaster Roger Howard.

“干旱范围相当大,影响也非常严重。”在接受CCTV的专访中,气象专家张培群说到。"The extent of drought is quite extensive, the impact is quite great, " forecaster Zhang Peiqun said in an interview with state television CCTV.

根据多普勒径向速度特征确定冷涡中心,进而应用不同时刻资料确定冷涡的移动路径,对实际业务有很好的应用价值。It is useful for forecaster that the center of the northeast cold vortex and its moving pathway will be identified according to the Doppler velocity.

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迈阿密的国家天气预报员M称,当风暴进入墨西哥海湾的温暖水域时,将会变的更强。Michelle Minelli, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Miami, said the storm was expected to get stronger as it entered warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

一位工作在迈阿密国家气象服务中心的天气预报员说暴风将会在到达墨西哥湾与暖流交汇后变得更强。Michelle Minelli. , a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Miami , said the storm was expected to get stronger as it entered warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

国家气象局预报员米歇尔·米耐利指出,预计飓风在进入墨西哥湾的温暖水域后将增强威力。Michelle Minelli, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Miami, said the storm was expected to get stronger as it enteredswarmerworm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

然而,过去的研究大都局限于一次或少次数的预测,无法完全呈现资料的意义与代表性,导致分析资料的鑑别度不够。The one-time forecasting result could lose its meaning or representativeness if the forecaster is purely lucky to hit the answer, causing a nil-discrimination in data analysis.

1967年,年轻的市场预测员耶鲁经过数年的研究,揭示了一个重大的发现,总统选举与股票市场表现的联动效应。In 1967, after several years of research, a young market forecaster named Yale Hirsch unveiled a grand theory of the relationship between presidential elections and the stock market.

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周二一位知名台风预测家表示,今年只会再有一个台风生成,担心再度发生卡崔娜飓风般灾害的人们可以松一口气。A noted U. S. hurricane forecaster said on Tuesday there will be just one more hurricane this year, a welcome relief after the devastation caused last year by hurricanes like Katrina.

首席预报员孙军说周日南部地区的气温,以及北京,河北,河南,山东,安徽,预计达到35℃至39℃,局部地区还将达到40℃。Sunday's temperatures in most southern regions as well as in Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shandong and Anhui were expected to reach 35 C to 39 C, with some reaching 40 C, chief forecaster Sun Jun said.

在接下来的10天里,远北地区的温度会降至-32℃,并且周五左右会有另一股冷空气袭来,带来大风和严寒,国家气象预报称。In the next 10 days, temperatures could fall to around -32 C in the far north and another cold wave will sweep the region around Friday, bringing gales and severe cold, the national forecaster said.