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审查输入数据中的无效字符。Sanitize input data for invalid characters

通过列出允许的字符串清洁用户输入。Sanitize user input by "whitelisting" the characters allowed.

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有些餐厅还会提供标有卫生消毒标识的餐饮具。Some restaurants would provide tablewares with sanitize symbol marks.

过去,对医院污水多采用液氯法和次氯酸消毒法。We are used to sanitize the sewage by liquid chlorine and natrium chlorite.

如果清理输入,则将删除输入的所有危险部分。If you sanitize the input, you would remove all the hazardous portions of the input.

消毒剂通常使用一茶匙氯漂白水溶在四倍的水。Sanitize after use with a solution of 1 teaspoon of chlorine bleach in 1 quart of water.

一周后,洗净并消毒大玻璃瓶、塞子、气阀和塑料管。After a week, clean and sanitize the carboy, the bung, the airlock and the plastic tubing.

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如果用户名可用,则提取剩余的数据,再一次记住要检查它。If the username is available, extract the remaining data, again remembering to sanitize it.

在Facebook上,我们要始终谨慎校正、净化和删改我们对每个可能听众所说的每个词。A place to carefully calibrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever.

数据集访问和ORM库用来净化数据,而这本该应用程序自己来处理。Database access and ORM libraries are meant to sanitize data, that should be handled by the application itself.

为了保持一个网站基本的视觉现实和感受以及隐私期望,FBML需要清理或过滤一些特定的HTML标签。In order to maintain the basic look, feel, and privacy expectations of a site, FBML needs to sanitize or remove certain HTML tags.

病床上有无线监测器会搜寻这条信息——如果搜索不到,徽章会震动提醒穿戴者去洗手。A wireless monitor on patient beds searches for the message—if it’s absent, the badge vibrates, reminding the wearer to sanitize his hands.

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本部分包含或接触产品的移动。任何人都可以轻易拆卸,清洗和消毒。这是非常卫生的设计。The parts which contain or touch the product are removable. Anyone can disassemble, wash and sanitize easily. It is very hygienically designed.

你肯定不想你的酒最后变成醋什么的,那么焦亚硫酸钠是个很好的选择。Sodium metabisulfite is the most convenient form of sanitizing, and sanitize you must if you want your wine to turn out as wine and not as vinegar.

前者与卡梅隆不谋而合,卡梅隆曾表示要采取有选择性的限制措施---他这么说也许是想要给国际军事干预找到更合适的借口。The former seems to be what Cameron had in mind when he spoke of selective containment -- perhaps in an attempt to sanitize international involvement.

处理被禁止食用的肉类产品的工厂人员和检验员,应当洗手并按照规定将其工作服和设备清洁和消毒。Plant personnel and inspectors handling condemned meat products shall wash their hands and clean and sanitize their work clothing and equipment as required.

先将手及指甲消毒清洁,把水晶白粉涂在真甲上,形成微笑线,然后再涂上透明的粉红粉去使扁平的指甲增加弧度。Sanitize the hand &nail plate and sculpt an overlay smile line using ultra white powder, create a C-curve looking nail plate with pink powder for sheerness.

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我得清洁一下我的手,学校厕所的擦手纸,都换成干手机了。我还以为干手机会干净点。I had to sanitize my hands because the university replaced the paper towels in the rest rooms with hot air blowers. I thought the blowers were more sanitary.

他说,如果有国防部的官员设法对这些机密文件进行了审查与编辑,那他们也同样犯下了泄漏机密文件的罪行。If Defense Department officials participated in trying to sanitize or redact these documents, he said, they still would be guilty of releasing classified documents.

为了消除这股难闻的问题并对砧板消毒,你可以用半个柠檬的切面对砧板进行擦拭或者用从瓶子里直接拿去来的未稀释果汁清洗。To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle.