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这就是我的政策。That is our policy.

门户开放政策。The open-door policy.

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这是没有人性的政策。It's sub-human policy.

那么,政策能有什么作为?So what can policy do?

这和我们的方针相抵触。It is against our policy.

SCA策略框架V1.0SCA Policy Framework V1.0

你们的退换货政策是什么?What's your return policy?

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诚实才是上策。Honesty is the best policy.

诚实是上上之策。Honesty is the best policy.

这是我们党的政策。This is our Party's policy.

婆罗门们的老一套!Ages old policy of brahmins!

老实是上上之策。Honesty is the arest policy.

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若问我们的政策是什么?You ask, what is our policy?

这项策略确实未变。And the policy didn’t change.

我们向过程应用政策。We apply policy to processes.

中国实行独生子女政策。China has single-child policy.

退出组策略控制台。Exit the Group Policy console.

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它是以谋利为目的的。It is a policy to gain profit.

现行政策亦有改进余地。Policy can also improve today.

科技创新产权的分配政策。The allocation policy of STIP.