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但是随着伊朗实力的不断上升,以色列变得越来越敏感。But, with an ascendant Iran, Israelis are skittish.

这种飞腾型星座给身边的暖和、激昂大方和有趣的感触。This Ascendant is warm, generous and fun to be around.

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你的上升星位也在狮子座,你的月亮星位在金牛座。Your Ascendant is also in Leo, and your Moon is in Taurus.

民主党的上升只会拖拽外贸的脚步。the ascendant Democrats would merely drag their feet on trade matters.

我国城市副中心建设方兴未艾。The construction of city subsidiary-centres in China is in the ascendant.

上升狮子座感情外露,他们喜欢戏剧化和夸张的姿势表达。Leo Ascendant isvery demonstrative, and they like drama and grand gestures.

当上升星座在土象或者水象,这种情况更为明显。This is especially so if the Ascendant or Rising sign is in earth or water.

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碳纤维水泥基复合材料的研究方兴未艾。The study of carbon fiber cement-based composites is in the ascendant nowadays.

对人类的思维器官进行“灌输”的想法,当下正方兴未艾。The thought of "inculcating" with the human organs, the moment is in the ascendant.

当然,不要以为有锁链束缚就可以低估他的力量。Of course, even a chained Magus Ascendant is somebody you want to avoid underestimating.

和平分子哀叹美国和其他国家陷入了一种“冷战思维”。America and others are trapped, lament these ascendant peaceniks, in a "cold-war mentality".

上升星位为狮子座的人具有追逐高贵与王权的本能。People with Leo in the Ascendant seem to possess a flair for the life of nobility and regality.

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这将会对任何类型的关系带来良好的影响。The trine of composite Mercury and Ascendant is a very good aspect in any kind of relationship.

然而,垂滴论显然正处于上升之势,甚至有些民主党人也买入了这种说法。Nonetheless, trickle-down is clearly on the ascendant — and even some Democrats are buying into it.

在合图上,天王星和上升点成六分相意味着两人间的关系会在很多方面比较独特。The sextile of composite Uranus and Ascendant signifies a relationship that will be unique in many ways.

现在的情势不可逆转,因为你们抓住了这个优势的位置,进程在加速向前。The situation cannot now be reversed as you hold the ascendant position, and progress is speeding ahead.

而优越的自然环境也是平王选择雒邑作为其国都的重要因素。Another reason that the king had chosen Luoyi as the national capital is the ascendant environment of Luoyi.

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我国对他的作品的介绍与研究出现过两次高潮,至今方兴未艾。There have been two climaxes in the interpretation and research of Tanizaki, and now it is in the ascendant.

最近情况有所改变,现在“抱树者”地位正在上升,IT巨头们又忙于投资清洁能源技术。But now the tree- huggers are in the ascendant and the IT barons are busy investing in clean-energy technology.

股市大衰退通常标志着发展成熟的技术已经开始占领中央舞台。Shakeouts typically mark the point at which an ascendant technology is ready to take its place at center stage.