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有上述设备,保证提供时新产品。Above device ensure freshness of product.

它们永远保持了爱情的鲜度。They always maintained a love of freshness.

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2005年,我们在英国分公司开始试行这项计划。We launched Freshness in 2005 in MediaCom's U.

青春是的深泉在涌流。爱情美文。It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

在食物不新鲜之前使用和取代掉它。Use and replace food before it loses freshness.

青春是指生命深泉的清新鲜活。it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

是生命之泉的清澈常新。It is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

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但我还得深吸一口清风,只得暂存清新的爱语。I take a deep inhale, depressed at the freshness.

去嗅吸空气的清新,充满肺腑To smell the freshness of air, filling up my lungs

青春是生命春意正浓的鲜活记忆。Youth is the freshness of the deep spring of life!

始终无法找到以前的那份清新与慵懒的味道。Could not find the previous the freshness and lazy.

鲜度和质量是这些菜单的咒语。Freshness and quality are the mantras of these menus.

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金盏菊和清新的甜柑香薰油。Calendula and the freshness of mandarin essential oil.

请丢失内附的保鲜袋。Please discard the inedible freshness packet enclosed.

适合在酒体年轻时乘新鲜饮用。To be drunk preferably in its youth for its freshness.

她不信任卖肉的人能保证肉食新鲜。She didn't trust the butcher to guarantee their freshness.

永不褪色的面料,给人以常新的感觉。Unfading materials give people a feeling of lasting freshness.

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如果密封条破损,不要使用,保持密封来保持鲜度。Do not use if safety seal is broken. Keep sealed for freshness.

而说到海鲜,它的新鲜度是很重要的。And when it comes to seafood, freshness is the phrase that pays.

那一大堆西瓜一下子给我们的房间带来了浓浓的乡土气息。The patch of watermelons scented the room with country freshness.