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那只乌龟以让人难受的慢速度爬行着。The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.

如果那是真的,刚才打那几下就会很痛的。If it were real, that would have been agonizingly painful.

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我苦闷地盯着墙上的时钟,指针走了一圈又一圈。I watched the minutes agonizingly tick by on a clock on the wall.

我感觉同样事情正在这儿发生,尽管沉闷而缓慢。I feel that same process happening here, albeit agonizingly slowly.

飞机制造业仍旧举步维艰,发展速度之缓很让人头疼。Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.

对我而言,这些情况的等待都非常困难且痛苦。For me, every one of those occasions proved extremely difficult, agonizingly so.

听到哨音,「脚印」转向足球,踩著慢得令人苦恼的脚步前进。At the whistle, Foot-Prints sprang toward the ball, step by agonizingly slow step.

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做到这一点既十分简单,又困难重重。This is one of those wildly simple yet agonizingly difficult things to accomplish.

Steer说,对许多亚奇人来说,目前仍然是极其痛苦的艰难时期。For many of the people in Aceh, Steer says it remains an agonizingly difficult time.

它像瘟疫一样,并不能迅速被消灭,而是缓慢地折磨人。It didn't kill quickly, like the plague, it killed slowly and agonizingly , like AIDS.

我们最先进的火箭在面对太阳系内的茫茫长途时都不免为其速度之慢而苦恼。Even our fastest rockets are agonizingly slow when faced with the gulf of interplanetary space.

但在日本的东北部,救援却出奇的缓慢”,毕其写到。But in Tohoku, as Japan's northeast is called, aid has trickled in agonizingly slowly," Beech wrote.

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在一段很长的阵痛期,缺乏耐心的克诺比以为自己永远也不会被选为学徒。For an agonizingly long time, the impatient Kenobi thought he would never be chosen as a Padawan apprentice.

最开始的几天你可能觉得非常艰难,但最终的结果会让你觉得付出值得。The first few days might feel agonizingly difficult, but the rewards on the other side are absolutely worth it.

我的肋骨痛苦地突了起来,腿也在向我表示抗议,而我还在竭力数着我们都已经跑了几英里了。And as my ribs heaved agonizingly and my leg muscles protested I tried to work out just how many miles we had run.

杂乱,令人沮丧,而且往往是令人痛苦的缓慢,印度的民主似乎是混乱的表面。Messy, frustrating, and more often than not agonizingly slow, India's democracy would seem to be chaotic at the surface.

虽然“主宰者”的转弯半径不大,但其转弯速度却难以令人满意,这就是为它设计双驾驶舱的原因。Though it has a tight turn radius, the Juggernaut is agonizingly slow to turn, which is why it was designed with twin cockpits.

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这看起来进步得很缓慢,但是只需要8-10周之后,你每周就可以跑20英里了。And 13 the week after that. This may look like agonizingly slow progress, but in just 8 to 10 weeks, you could be running 20 miles a week.

他们很少使自己领会到他们,每一个人,以及他们爱的人,其实正处于痛苦死亡的危险边缘。They can scarcely bring themselves to grasp that they, individually, and those whom they love are in imminent danger of perishing agonizingly.

在人生中最漫长和痛苦的几秒钟后,我们不但甩掉了导弹,并且顺利进入既定转向向地中海前进。After several agonizingly long seconds, we made the turn and blasted toward the Mediterranean 'You might want to pull it back, ' Walter suggested.