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我们大大的低估了这项工作的艰巨性,犯了“左”倾冒进的错误。We undervalued this work's difficulty seriously, and this was a leftism fault.

他注意到,胡在讲话中没有再提及党内要警惕左的思潮之类的话。Mr Hu, he noted, had omitted the party's usual warning about the need to prevent leftism.

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这些变革将使该党摆脱不切实际的“左倾”思想的影响,正是这些“左倾”思想让很多日本人离他们而去。The changes would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated many Japanese.

厄瓜多尔总统从社会民主主义突然转向更为专制的集权主义,这是标准的急进主义。The president veers between social democracy and a more autocratic, radical brand of leftism.

这种重政治斗争的特质,决定了其文艺理论与批评的非左即右的极象模式。Its property determined the extreme Leftism or extreme Rightism of its theory and mode of criticism.

新时期以来的作家们,以粮食为切入点反思这段历史,是对左倾政治思想的批判。The New-era writers, starting from the food problem, reflect this period of history and criticise the leftism.

左派的热情在一定程度上成为重庆市委书记薄督的政治平台。This passion for Leftism has become part of the political platform of Bo Xilai, the Party Secretary of Chongqing.

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自由主义与“新左派”必然长期共存,因为他们都是现代社会的批判力量。Liberalism and Neo- leftism will undoubtedly coexist for a prolonged period as two critical forces in modern China.

他对美国左派历史的描述,展现了左派政治光谱的复杂性。In order to demonstrate the complexity of political genealogy of the left, he re-narrates the history of American leftism.

对此,吉登斯提出要超越现代性惯性演变、超越“左”与“右”的思想束缚,走“第三条道路”。Therefore, Giddens proposes to exceed the current inertial evolvement and bondage of leftism and rightism to lead the 3rd way.

这些叙述指向了新中国建立后30年严重威胁人们生存的左倾政治思想。These narratives fall on the leftism which severely threatened people's life in the 30 years after the establishment of New China.

作者认为,自由主义左派是我们这个时代最为需要的精神力量。The author hopes to bring back the ideal of a unified society to our times and insists that liberal leftism be our most wanted source of inspiration.

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长期以来,人们对于宗教的社会作用,常常囿于“左”的偏见,只看到它的消极面,而否定或忽略它的积极面。For a long time, confined by the prejudice of"Leftism", people used to emphasize the negative aspect of the social function of religion to the neglect of its positive aspect.

尽管作为党领导科学的具体体现者,他们在执行政策时有一定的自由度,但在当时的政治气氛下,他们“纠左”的能力是很有限的。As the executors of the Party, they had some free space in their administration. But under the political atmosphere then, their ability of redressing leftism was very limited.

谁会需要ISIS?欧洲的左翼派都在忙着清扫他们内部的文化。其他文化会这样做吗?相比起伊斯兰教的人肉炸弹,左翼派更具自我毁灭性。Who needs ISIS? European leftists are busy wiping out their own culture themselves. Would any other culture do this? Leftism is more self-destructive than Islam's suicide bombers.