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这是一个极度优秀的位置。It is a profoundly elitist position.

你和我是电脑怪客当中的精英。You and I are elitist computer snobs.

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如此谈论大学也许听上去有点精英主义的味道。To talk about college this way may sound élitist.

但现在,“总统他自己被看作是一个精英。”But now, "the president himself is seen as elitist in chief.

刘仪顺是晚清民间宗教世界中的一位杰出人物。Liu Yishun is an elitist in the folk religious world in the late Qing Dynasty.

事实上,沃尔玛并不像看上去的那样大众化,它所出售的商品都是选之又选的。But as egalitarian as Wal-Mart may seem, it is actually extraordinarily elitist.

相反,像贝尔可能会预测的那样,他们因“精英主义”而受到憎恶。On the contrary—and as Bell might have predicted—they are resented as "elitist."

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我怎样才能打破这个学院派精英强加在我身上的这种地方偏见呢?How did I ever break free from that provincialism imposed by an academic elitist?

我们都是些低能儿,需要精英来指点江山?Are we all so unintelligent that we need an elitist to comment on national affairs?

长久以来,文化一直都是少数精英的专利,也是他们的专权基础。Literacy had long remained a privilege and a source of power wielded by the elitist few.

洛芸因为过于注重精英教育和向风有了距离。Luoyun's preoccupation with elitist education causes a rift in her relationship with Xiangfeng.

提出一种基于最优保留遗传算法的PID控制器参数自寻优算法。Self-optimizing parameters of PID controller based on Elitist preserved genetic algorithm is presented.

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精英人物在品味上的识别力是可以产生出独立乐以及独立文化的意识形态的最根本的判断原则。Elitist discrimination in taste is a fundamental tenet of the ideology producing indie's music and culture.

古香古色的特殊的艺术效果,突出古旧风格,使家居陈设更加典雅、高贵。Peculiar Guxianggu color art effect , outstanding antiquated style, make home display more elegant , elitist.

通俗文化,精英文化,官方意识形态文化三足鼎立,各领风骚。That is to say, popular culture, elitist culture and authoritative ideological culture scrambled for readers.

这使得北岛的文学创作从一开始就具有贵族化、精英化倾向。This makes the North Island's literary creation from the outset with the aristocratic and elitist tendencies.

学校旨在培养国际型、创造型、创业型精英人才。The school aims at producing elitist students characteristic of an international outlook, innovation and pioneering.

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在其缺乏经验而又拥有精英身份和“名流”地位等诸多强烈的攻击中,奥巴马能够幸存下来非常不易。Mr Obama survived a myriad of onslaughts, notably on his lack of experience and on his elitist and "celebrity" status.

看起来是浪费时间啊,特别看来,这些制裁对于普通民众的影响比对于他们的最精英的领导们的影响要大多了。Seems like a waste of time, particulary since they affect innocent civilians more than than they do their elitist leaders!

他的心中并没有种族主义或精英主义的歧视观念,他对我的公路建设和修整计划和教育改革计划也是支持的。He didn’t have a racist or an elitist bone in his body, and he had supported both my highway program and my education program.