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买一个新衣柜。Get a new wardrobe.

一个衣橱拆成若干小块。A wardrobe taken to pieces.

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看,那是我的大衣柜。Look! That's my big wardrobe.

连你的衣柜也跟你对着干。Even your wardrobe turns against you.

我的溜冰鞋悲戚地挂在衣橱里。My skates hang sadly in the wardrobe.

狮子女巫魔衣橱。The lion, the witch and the wardrobe.

品牌商城,时尚达人,男人衣橱。Brand Mall , Stylista, Man's Wardrobe.

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衣橱总咯吱咯吱响,犯不上去打扰她。Creaky wardrobe. No use disturbing her.

您需要租多少更衣柜?。You need to rent a number more wardrobe?

也许他就藏在壁橱内。Maybe he is stashed away in the wardrobe.

妈妈在衣橱里放上香樟做成的木球。Mother put camphor balls in the wardrobe.

一套红围巾就可以让所有的衣服亮起来。A red bandana brightens nearly any wardrobe.

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此外,一个大衣柜是靠在墙上。Besides, a big wardrobe is against the wall.

但是端庄不仅仅停留在衣橱层面。But being modest does not end at your wardrobe.

假如是,那么你的衣橱就需要整理了。If so, your wardrobe may be in need of editing.

我衣柜里四分之三的衣服都是传过来的。Three quarters of my wardrobe are hand-me-downs.

把衣柜放在对着门的那个角落里。Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door.

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大衣柜刻有漂亮的装饰。The wardrobe is carved with beautiful decorations.

一张单人床、一张书桌、一把椅子、一个衣橱,全部就这样了。It has a single bed, a desk, a chair and a wardrobe.

走光事件引起了大众的关注。The "wardrobe malfunction"case drew public attention.