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但在战后时期,对于这种作用的需求不多。But in the postwar era there wasn’t much need for this.

关于与联合国妇女基金会访问战后科索沃避难所Onvisiting women's shelters in postwar Kosovo with UNIFEM

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三个年轻女子来到战后的纽约寻找发迹致富的机会。Three young women come to postwar New York to make their fortune.

在美国战后时期,Zeisel轻易地就定义了那个时代。In the American postwar period, Zeisel's work simply defined the era.

二战后婴儿潮的首批人群将于2011年达到官方退休年龄。The first of the postwar baby boomers hit official retirement age in 2011.

战后迅速崛起的半老徐娘,特别喜爱1951年出产之查尔斯。Came of age in PostWar boom typified by 1951 Charles Jourdan stiletto heel.

战后日本问题,本质上说就是雅尔塔体系问题。In essence, the Japan Issue in the postwar era derives from the Yalta System.

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中国战的工业化建设,是这场讨论的思想基础。The analytical basis of the discussions was China's postwar industrialization.

在战后,人们受教育水平取得了巨大成就。There was the tremendous increase in education levels during the postwar world.

1945年,尽管日本已被打败,但战后的中国仍处于一片狼藉。Although Japan was defeated in 1945, postwar China was still in a state of shock.

该协议是战后欧洲削减非核武器的第一个条约。The agreement is the first postwar treaty to reduce non-nuclear weapons in Europe.

私人债务的低水平为战后的经济繁荣搭建了巨大的舞台。And this low level of private debt helped set the stage for the great postwar boom.

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开罗之系列会议中,罗斯福为战后之亚洲勾勒愿景。At the series of meetings in Cairo, Roosevelt outlined his vision for postwar Asia.

推动一切重建的,是突然衰弱的战后繁荣。What drove this reorganisation above all wasthe sudden fade-out of the postwar boom.

在战后很长一段时间,解决争端机制一直是关贸总协定体系中的一个薄弱环节。For much of the postwar period, dispute settlement was a weak link in the GATT system.

这项工作在战后国民政府的工作中占有重要地位。The take-over played an important part in the work of the postwar National Government.

土方巽是一个战后萌芽的艺术家,打碎了传统舞蹈的框架。Tatsumi Hijikata was a seminal postwar artist who shattered traditional dance framework.

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摘要全面论述日本插秧机的研究历程。This paper reviewed entirely the research history of rice transplanter from postwar japan.

布鲁塞尔据说曾经和巴黎几乎一样美好,但战后城市规划师把她毁了。Brussels was apparently almost as good as Paris until the postwar city planners wrecked it.

“战后依赖东京的时代显然已经结束了”,庄内市长真原田表示。“The postwar era of depending on Tokyo is clearly over, ” said Shonai’s mayor, Maki Harada.