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浩浩荡荡,驶向穿鼻。Drive onto to dress a nose vastly and mightily.

主的道大大兴旺而且得胜,就是这样。So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

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他穿着不合时令的西装而汗流浃背。He was sweating mightily in his unseasonable suit.

小狗们也使劲往上爬,但是他们太小了,所以我把他们抱进车去。The pups struggled mightily but were too short, so I helped them in.

在他家中的椭圆形办公室里,他却很大程度上收到了国会的限制。At home the man in the Oval Office is mightily constrained by Congress.

愤怒的贾法里试图打开驾驶员的门,并奋力向其踢去。The angry Jafari tried to open the pilot's door and kicked it mightily.

自打旧温布利拆了而新温不利建好了,足球发生了好大的变化啊。Since old Wembley went and new Wembley has come, football has changed mightily.

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可是葛哈德的眉头皱得那么厉害,使他不敢再冒险提出其他抗议。But Gerhardt frowned too mightily for him to venture on any further remonstrances.

主要肥料碳酸钾的生产商,应能在食品涨价中发财。Producers of potash, a key fertilizer, should prosper mightily from food inflation.

这些管理学教育界的巨头们实在是徒劳微功。The giants of management education have laboured mightily to bring forth a molehill.

29我也为此劳苦,照着他在我里面运用的大能尽心竭力。Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

他们非常担心学校环境让孩子们变得道德败坏,所以就关起门来在家教育四个孩子。They worried mightily at the corrupting influence of the school environment on their kids.

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当然,耶弗拉兹收入的飙升很大程度上源于全球金属价格的总体攀升。Of course, Evraz's swelling earnings have been helped mightily by high global metals prices.

约瑟活到一百一十岁,他终其一生都是上帝极有用的工具。Joseph lived to be 110, and throughout his life he was used mightily as an instrument of God.

居住在加州南部的我和我的丈夫,也曾经为这个事情痛苦地挣扎了很久。My husband and I, living in Southern California, have struggled mightily with this issue ourselves.

扬子江及黄河遇见沙漠、遇见山峡都是浩浩荡荡地往前流过去。And Yangtse as well as Yellow River can make it to come across deserts, valleies vastly and mightily.

不过,聪明的球员谁使用的斜坡和正确的地方是他的球浩浩荡荡奖励。However, the intelligent golfer who uses the slopes and places his ball correctly is mightily rewarded.

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28在众人面前极有能力,驳倒犹太人,引圣经证明耶稣是基督。For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.

在众人面前极有能力,驳倒犹太人,引圣经证明耶稣是基督。For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.

的确,金钱不能买到快乐,但金钱可以买到很多很容易让你感到快乐的东西。Well, money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy lots of things that contribute mightily to happiness.