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因此,肌酸应该如何服用?So how should you take creatine?

肌肉素和蛋白质不起作用。Creatine and protein shakes didn't help.

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肌酸是一种生物分子,能用来产生、制造ATP。Creatine is the biomolecule, which produces ATP.

肌酸被当作营养支持物销售。Creatine is marketed as a nutritional supplement.

肌酸应该跟单醣一起服用。Creatine should be taken with a simple carbohydrate.

肌酸能渗透进入肌肉,并转化为ATP。Creatine saturates the muscle to convert it into ATP.

近来,食品补充剂肌氨酸非常流行。Recently the diet supplement creatine has become popular.

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血清肌酸激酶轻度升高。The level of serum creatine kinase was slightly elevated.

补充肌氨酸,可以增长肌肉无氧力量和爆发力。Creatine can add muscle growth anaerobic strength and explosive power.

过去我们依靠肌酸激酶或肌酸激酶MB片段进行诊断。In the past we relied on creatine kinase or the MB fragment of creatine kinase.

这是因为胰岛素会增加而促使肌酸的吸收效率更好。This is to cause an insulin spike and allow greater absorption of the creatine.

肌酸如何帮助肌肉运作更高效率,而且有更高的恢复力?How does creatine help the muscle perform at higher efficiency and recover faster?

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在小鼠中,肌酸可阻止多巴胺能神经元的缺失。In mice, creatine was shown to prevent the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells.

将利用驱动肌肉的肌酶的血流水平评估肌肉的整体性。Blood levels of muscle-derived creatine kinase are measured as assessments of muscle integrity.

肌肉素是一种来自于动物体内的蛋白质,有助于肌肉塑造及其修复。Creatine is a protein that is found in animal products and it assists muscle building and repair.

而紫外差吸收光谱和荧光光谱的变化与兔肌肌酸激酶的结果相似。The changes of fluorescence and UV differential spectra are the same as those of rabbit creatine kinase.

目的评价外源性补充磷酸肌酸对PCI术后心肌损伤的影响。Objective To evaluate the role of exogenous creatine phosphate supplement in myocardial injury after PCI.

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因而SOX分解肌氨酸的主要作用是为细胞提供生长所需的氮源。Therefore, the primary function of creatine decomposition was to provide nitrogen source for the cell growth.

本文研究了DTNB对人肌肌酸激酶的不可逆抑制作用。The irreversible inhibition of creatine kinase from human muscle during modification with DTNB has been studied.

作为高能磷化物的磷酸肌酸在医学领域中广泛应用于治疗心肌缺血和心肌梗死。Creatine phosphate as energy rich phosphate compounds is widely utilized in treatment of myocardial ischemia and infarction.