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因为我们的三位一体神是充满恩典的神。Because our triune God is the God of all grace.

所有的殖民地都要求唯有相信三位一体之神的人方可任公职。All colonies required belief in the Triune God for office-holding.

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同样地,图像会误导人对三一真神持错误观念。Likewise, visuals can lead to erroneous ideas about the triune God.

三一真神若被绘描,祂的荣耀必被遮盖。The triune God cannot be visibly portrayed without obscuring his glory.

所以再一次证明耶稣基督是叁位一体神性的一部份。Therefore, it again proves that Jesus Christ is part of the Triune Godhead.

接着,受造之物被扎根在三一神位格互相内住的爱里。Creation is then rooted in the mutual love of the persons of the Triune God.

您嘲笑著多神教,却对自己的三神一体宗教感到满意。You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

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你能否列出三一真神的另外十到十五项属性?Would you be able to list ten or fifteen additional attributes of the triune God?

赞美敬拜三一真神,经历神荣耀的同在。To praise and worship the Triune true God and to experience His glorious presence.

基于使徒信经,三位一体神的位格及其分工的3系列。A 3-part series on the persons and work of the Triune God, based upon the Apostles' Creed.

容格也暗示了邪恶三位一体的存在,它对抗着上帝的三位一体的显现。Jung also hinted to the presence of an Unholy Trinity opposing the triune manifestations of God.

我们认为,依据事实和教育,必须找到在三位一体神和他犯错的一句话。We believe that the basis of truth and education must be found in the Triune God and His infallible Word.

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任何处理人生的崇高关系的人,都能认知到三位一体的真理。The Triune Truth is recognized in life's subtle relationships by everyone dealing with such relationships.

从这本书的开头,你看到了叁位一体的上帝参与了耶稣基督的启示。From this beginning of the book you see the involvement of the Triune Godhead in the revelation of Jesus Christ.

三位一体的上帝创造、维护并统管宇宙万物,但祂在一切受造物之前,且与被造物有别。That the triune God is the Creator, the Sustainer and Ruler of the Creation, but is prior to, and distinct from the Creation.

本教会藉敬拜,教导,见证和会众彼此相爱来荣耀三位一体的独一真神。The Church shall be organized to glorify the Triune God through worship, teaching, testimony and mutual love of the congregation.

我们相信神是独一的三一神。从亘古到永远,父、子、灵同等是一,同时共存、互相内住。We believe that God is the only one Triune God-the Father, the Son, and the Spirit-co-existing equally from eternity to eternity.

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通过对我国城乡衔接“三位一体”社会保障模式的再思考,力图为制度公平保证城市化发展效率提供一种路径参考。This paper thinks over the triune mode of society security and brings forward a referenced idea for the development in urban fringe.

三位一体的上帝创造、维护并统管宇宙万物,但祂先于一切受造物而存在,且与被造物有别。We believe that the triune God is the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Ruler of all Creation, but is prior to, and distinct from the Creation.

其关于根据地的政治、经济和文化建设的理论与实践是新民主主义和谐社会思想的具体展开,而最终的落脚点是人的和谐发展。The theory and practice of his idea of the triune approach about the base area are the concrete expansion of the harmonious social thought of the new democracy.