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筹款晚宴。Fundraising dinners.

我为一个集资公司工作。Yeah, I work for a fundraising company.

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而且帮助还很大。You know, it helps fundraising tremendously.

美国国会已经成了敛财国会。The US Congress has become the Fundraising Congress.

最近一段时间,一项名为“冰桶挑战赛”的慈善筹款活动风靡全美。The "Ice Bucket Challenge" is a fundraising activity in the U.

义工们为地震灾民筹款出钱出力。Volunteers helping out fundraising for the earthquake victims.

你刚结束了为维基百科进行的又一轮募资。You just wrapped up another round of fundraising for Wikipedia.

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公益活动不纯粹是为了比谁筹集或捐出了最多的款额。Fundraising isn’t just about who raised or donated the most money.

这是唯一的全日制在多伦多地区筹款的程序。This is the only full-time fundraising program in the Toronto area.

本校经费主要来源为学费,不足之数由筹款活动贴补本校。The main source of income for PVCS comes from tuition and fundraising.

麦凯恩希望本周能在布什总统帮助募款的努力下得益。McCain hopes to benefit this week from fundraising help from President Bush.

首要工作是达到筹款目标,其他事情都是不重要。The first job is meeting the fundraising target. Everything else seems cheap.

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泰勒花费很大一部分时间和精力致力于艾滋病相关的慈善工作。Taylor devoted much time and energy to AIDS-related charities and fundraising.

义工则协助募款并奖掖教育计画。Volunteers manage fundraising as well as promotional and educational programs.

以上资料只会作为发收据及募捐用途。The above information will be used for receipting and fundraising purposes only.

筹资依旧顺利,特别是那些名誉较好的公司。Fundraising remains strong, especially among the firms with the best reputations.

分析冢说此次集资是地产行业有史以来的最大的。Analysts say the fundraising will be the biggest ever seen in the property sector.

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这轮融资相对简单一些,许多投资人都递来了风投协议。It was a relatively simple fundraising process and it led to a lot of term sheets.

他们透过志工和募款的方法支援当地的HFH联盟。MIT Habitat supports local HFH affiliates through volunteer labor and fundraising.

与新的筹款协调员合作管理和维护花旦与捐赠方的关系。Manage relationships with funders in cooperation with new fundraising coordinator.