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陈一舫为乐施会东亚项目组职员。Holly Chan is a member of Oxfam's Archipelagic Southeast Asia team.

在1973年海底委员会上,群岛国家和英国提出草案。At the Ocean Flour Committee of 1973, Britain and other archipelagic countries proposed bills.

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伐木业者在这个幅员广阔的岛国四处砍伐树龄几百年的热带雨林。Throughout this sprawling archipelagic country, loggers are wiping out centuries old tropical rain forests.

具体制度上,除了专属经济区之外,另一个可以体现此种妥协结果的产物即为群岛国制度。Besides the exclusive economic zone, the emergence of the regime of archipelagic States also reflects the result of such a compromise.

陈一舫是乐施会东亚项目的干事,此文章写于她探访东帝汶的行程上。Holly Chan assists Oxfam Hong Kong's projects in Archipelagic Southeast Asia and wrote this article during a field trip to Timor-Leste.

在群岛国制度与群岛原则的理論发展与法制化过程中,菲律宾与印尼均扮演相当重要之角色。In the theory and the legalization of the regime of archipelagic states and the archipelagic principles, both the Philippines and Indonesia play an important role.

大洋岩石圈与大陆岩石圈之间的多岛弧盆系构造域是板块构造登陆的入门向导。The rudimental guide of the plate-tectonic theory landing on continent is the archipelagic arc-basin system between the oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere.

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评述了板块构造“登陆”以来的多岛洋构造、板内造山多岛海模式以及多岛弧盆系构造在造山带研究中的重要性。The paper presents a review of the value of archipelagic ocean model, archipelago model of intraplate orogenesis and composite arc-basin system tectonics since plate tectonic landing.

这个制度既涉及到群岛国对其群岛和其中水域主权的先例,也规定了其他国家在群岛水域享有的权利。This regime refers to precedent that an archipelagic country enjoys sovereignty over its archipelago and its waters, and also regulates what rights other countries have in its waters.

提供的探空观测或天气尺度预报场,适合在群岛海域的海洋环境问题应用中使用。If sounding data or predicted weather data are available, the model may be suitable to provide sea surface wind forecast in application of environmental problems for archipelagic waters.

作为群岛国家,其国土地理的破碎性与自身特殊的历史发展历程,使得印尼在族群、宗教、及文化等方面呈现出别具一格的多元性特征。As an archipelagic state, Indonesia's geographic heterogeneity and its unique historical development have given rise to the pluralism in the ethnic group, religion and culture of the country.