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你给搬家公司打过电话了吗?Have you phoned the remover?

为什麽不买卸妆水呢?Why not buy some makeup remover?

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取出一瓶卸甲液。Get out a bottle of nail polish remover.

哪种洗甲水不会损伤指甲?Which nail remover is gentle for my nails?

这个是我这么长时间用过最好用的卸甲水。The best polish remover I've used in a long time.

这一地区的访问后,不仅消除板和幻灯片。Essa area so é acessivel apos remover a placa eo slide.

每天晚睡前用眼部卸妆液清洁眼部。Use eye makeup remover every night before going to bed.

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选择得当的洗甲水重要吗?Is it important to choose the right nail polish remover?

介绍了脱漆荆的种类和性质。The variety and nature of paint remover were introduced.

检查完毕,用清洗剂擦洗或用水去除显像剂。Wipe off dereloper with water or remover after checking.

你为你太太买过指甲油吗?Have you ever purchased nail-polish remover for your wife?

魔术眼睛的颜色效果眼睛换色,红眼去除。Magic Eye Color Effect-Eye Color Changer, Red Eye Remover.

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使用除尘器清理笔记本电脑的排气孔。Use dust remover spray to clean out of the laptop's vents.

另外一种天然护肤品是可以用蜂蜜和肉豆蔻除疤。Another natural tonic is honey and nutmeg scar remover wash.

卸妆时请配合使用露华浓不脱色眼唇部卸妆乳。Removes gently with Revlon ColorStay Eye& Lip Makeup Remover.

一定要记得,在倒卸妆液的时候,先把它摇匀。Just remember to shake your make-up remover before decanting it.

这个活是个脏活,所以套箱里应该包含一些去除剂。It can be a messy affair and the kit should contain some remover.

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直接把混凝土去除剂喷洒到有混凝土的表面。The concrete remover directly sprayed to the surface of concrete.

露得清卸妆洁面纸巾,补充包,25计数。Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, Refill Pack, 25 Count.

你需要用卸妆药水和眼部清洗油去除你的彩妆。You need to take off your make-up with lotion and eye make-up remover.