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利莫里亚长老和亚特兰蒂斯的统治者对此争论不休了70年。Lemurian Elders and Atlantean governance went head to head over this issue for 70 years.

唐山艾特兰蒂陶瓷有限公司是一家专业设计、生产、销售高档骨质瓷的陶瓷企业。Atlantean is a professional design, production and sale of high-grade ceramic bone china companies.

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最后一次我们与你们在一个和平的时期并肩同行的时刻,曾经是在很久以前的亚特兰蒂斯时代,在它毁灭之前。The last time we walked on Earth with you in a peaceful period, was in Atlantean times long before its downfall.

他的巨大智慧使他成为统治着各种不同亚特兰提斯殖民地的统治者,包括中南美洲一些地方。His vast wisdom made him ruler over the various Atlantean colonies, including the ones in South and Central America.

亚特兰蒂斯人就像今天一样周游世界,并发展了电力及化石燃料的设备和技术。Atlantean humans traveled the world much as today, and developed electrical as well as fossil fuel gadgetry and technology.

亚特兰蒂斯人的技术很发达,他们只生活在一块大小如同今天北美洲的大陆上。Atlantean populations were technologically developed, living upon a single continent about the size of North America today.

亚特兰提斯岛金字塔记载有关古代时期当人利用他的直觉天赋以及同灵魂一道工作所创造出来伟大神话。The Atlantean Pyramid has great mythology about an ancient time when man used his gift of intuition and worked with spirit.

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在那个时候既没有精神病院也没有监狱,因为亚特兰蒂斯政府选择取走这些人的性命。There were no insane asylums or prisons in this time period as Atlantean governance chose to take their lives away instead.

作为投射了自己的这些,于是我们找到了在亚特兰提斯时期的发展这部分的这些发展。As these projected themselves then we find these developments were in this portion of the development in the atlantean period.

因此,你看到了亚特兰蒂斯黄金时代螺旋式下降的开端,从公元前30000年一直到公元前17500年。Thus, you see the conflict that began a downward spiral of the Atlantean Golden Age, which existed from 30,000 BC to 17,500 BC.

不过,精神妄想多疑症,却是因农作物缺乏营养而未能满足亚特兰蒂斯人口需求所带来的最大症状。Paranoia however was the largest symptom of a food source that failed to meet the nutritional needs of the Atlantean populations.

这类遗传由于人类在亚特兰蒂斯时期及今天的混血而遍布全世界。Such genetics are scattered all over the world due to the interbreeding between humans in the Atlantean era along with present time.

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亚特兰蒂斯的理论经常与古代宇航员的视域联系起来,还有亚特兰蒂斯号太空船。这要回溯到称为乍帕泰比的古代众神。Theories about atlantis often link sightings of ancient astronauts to atlantean space ships. this goes to the ancient gods called the zep tepi.

他们确实是你们的历史,可以回溯到亚特兰蒂斯和雷姆利亚时代,那时你们的文明被巨大的灾难所摧毁。They are already part of your history going back to the Atlantean and Lemurian times, when your civilisation was decimated by great catastrophes.

当今时代,对大部分亚特兰提斯的臆测中没有被提到的是亚特兰提斯「第二个月亮」的利用和真实性质。What is not recounted in most of the Atlantean suppositions in current times, is the utilization and indeed nature of the 'Second Moon' of Atlantis.

亚特兰蒂斯人是虚荣的,今天许多对美丽、时髦、外表、天分、才赋等方面的骗局也在亚特兰蒂斯发生。Atlantean humans were vain and much of the human current hype over beauty, fashion, appearance as well as gifts and talents also occurred in Atlantis.

它们中的第一个将在2008年被激活,并与其他的位于巴西、沙斯塔山、比米尼、的的喀喀湖的休眠中的水晶取得联系。The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.

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在这个发展阶段,智者起到一个巨大作用,他们的职位在亚特兰蒂斯社会中被认为是最高的职位之一。The Wise Ones played a strong part in this stage of development, and their occupation was considered one of the highest positions in Atlantean society.

亚特兰提斯岛会创造这伟大文明崩溃的故事情节用于警告在正读到这个时候行走地球的那些人。The Atlantean Pyramid would create tales of the fall of this great civilization as warning to those who would walk the earth at the time of this reading.

当它被发现时,它将证明亚特兰提斯文明的存在,并且会揭开几个世纪以来许多其他不解之谜。When it is discovered it will prove the existence of the Atlantean civilization, and shed light on many other mysteries that have haunted us for centuries.