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我乘火车到伦敦。I trained to London.

我训练,努力地训练。I trained. I trained hard.

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我抚养并训练了他。I bred him and trained him.

我比任何人都要刻苦。I trained harder than anyone.

他们训练约翰开飞机。They trained John for flying.

他们培养他当医生。They trained him for a doctor.

他被培养成一名状师。he was trained to be a lawyer.

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经过训练的狗有更敏锐的嗅觉。The trained dog can well smell.

他们还没有完全出师。They haven't trained fully yet.

是那个负责训练它的人?Is it the person who trained it?

他们把他培养成一名工程师。They trained him as an engineer.

我就是为这个受戏剧训练的!This was what I had trained for!

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那些鸟是受过训练的鸬鹚。The birds are trained cormorants.

我们已经经过技术培训了。We have been technically trained.

我本人是一名经过严格训练的试车手。I myself am a trained test driver.

Mock可以针对行为训练。Mocks can be behaviorally trained.

狗可以训练得听从命令。Dogs can be trained to obey orders.

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他举枪瞄准入侵者。He trained his gun on the intruder.

士兵们都要被训练成站得很挺直。Soldiers are trained to stand erect.

我们将大炮对准要塞。We trained our cannon upon the fort.