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在卡利年代是一个锅在极端高温和高压。Yuga is a pot under extreme heat and pressure.

阿因卓,卡利年代是黑暗的,而且一天比一天更黑暗。Aindra, Kali Yuga is dark and becomes darker day by day.

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大笑,与慢跑和瑜伽一样,已然成为健康运动。Loud laugh has become a healthy activity like jogging and Yuga.

我们现在接近于五千年周期的雅利安人卡利年代或黑暗年代的尾升。We are at the close of the cycle of5000years of the present aryan kali yuga or dark age.

发自内心的笑拥有巨大的力量,你是一个爱笑的人吗?Loud laugh has become a healthy activity like jogging and Yuga. The hearty laugh has great power.

在这卡利年代,念诵是获得圆满的奎师那知觉的唯一方法。This chanting process is the only way of attaining full Krishna Consciousness in this age of kali yuga.

卡利年代有时候也被认为铁器时期,因为它也是炼铁被发现的时期。Kali Yuga is sometimes referred to as the Iron Age because it was also the time when forging iron was discovered.

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上周五晚上,M在正大9楼的愉家,一个靠窗对着浦西的桌边,跟我爸妈提亲了。Last friday night, we booked a window table in restaurant YUGA which has river view alongside the Huangpu to west Shanghai.

本设计为捲筒式收纳,按下主体中央的电源键,使用者轻轻一拉,即可延展出附有互动萤幕的瑜珈垫。This design is reelable for storage, after turn on the power, user can pull down the Yuga Mat which is combined with paper screen.

如果平均农历等于三百五十四点三六天,那么这将是大约5270年春节的时候卡里纪开始,直到2012年12月21号。If an average lunar year equals 354. 36 days, then this would be about 5270 lunar years from the time when the Kali Yuga started until 21 Dec 2012.

这很重要也是因为,在现在的争斗期,价值系统完全混乱的时代,各种混乱使得情况变得非常复杂。This is very important also because, in these days of Kali Yuga and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil makes very complex conditions to exist.

直筒状造型附加两侧耳音源输出,影音效果互动式的学习,让瑜珈练习更加轻松有趣,实现未来无限可能。It is shaped in tubular with component stereo system at two sides. The Digital Multimedia and interactive learning function will make you feel more relaxed and interested in learning Yuga.