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王某某,女,胰腺癌。Wang XX, Female, Pancreatic carcinoma.

我们发现他患了胰腺癌。We found out he had pancreatic cancer.

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在胰腺腺泡细胞CCK可激活MAPK。CCK activates MAPK in pancreatic acinar cells.

沟吕木博士1980年已死于胰腺癌。Dr. Mizoroki died of pancreatic cancer in 1980.

胰腺癌种十险恶性瘤。Pancreatic cancer is one kind of devastating diseases.

胰瘘是胰岛素瘤手术后最常见的并发症。Pancreatic fistula was the most frequent complication.

有时候,内镜逆行胰胆管造影还可以用来清除胰腺结石。Occasionally, pancreatic stones can be removed by ERCP.

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胰腺癌主要是腺癌。The majority of pancreatic cancers are adenocarcinomas.

约瑟夫·施拉格是一名身兼肝胆和胰脏科的医生。Joseph Shrager is a Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic surgeon.

我们相信胰多肽可能就是答案。We believe that pancreatic polypeptide may be the answer.

十二指肠损伤的特点及其诊断和治疗。Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic and duodenal injury.

人的胰腺核糖核酸酶有128个氨基酸残基。Human pancreatic ribonuclease has 128 amino acid residues.

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但目前尚没有对人体胰腺组织IAPP研究的结果。But there is no finding of IAPP in human pancreatic tissue.

栀子能减轻三者的损伤,保护胰腺细胞。GJE can alleviate their damage and protect pancreatic cell.

目的提高胰激肽原酶的纯度。Objective To improve the purity of pancreatic kininogenase.

九年期间,两百零八人被诊断出胰脏癌。Over nine years, 208 were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

帕特里克于2008年1月被确诊患有胰脏癌。Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January 2008.

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它通常含有与主胰管汇合的胰管。It usually contains a duct that joins the main pancreatic duct.

肝脏和胰脏的小叶界限不清晰。The boundary of liver lobule and pancreatic lobule was obscure.

乔布斯卒于今年10月5日,此前他与胰腺癌进行了长时间斗争。Mr. Jobs died Oct. 5 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.