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他是个可爱的小淘气。He is a lovely tyke.

他是一位聪明忠诚的村夫。He was a gash an'faithful tyke.

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我听到这个男孩走下楼去。I heard the tyke go down the stairs.

什么时候让我看看小宝贝?。When do I get to see the little tyke?

我什么时候去看那小宝贝?When do I get to see that little tyke?

什么时候我能见到那个小家伙?When do I get to see the little tyke ?

我认识一位男孩子,他父亲是某报社的编辑。I know a tyke whose ftoher is a newspaper editor.

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当我们飞过布里斯托尔时那小孩睡着了。Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.

宝贝,我学自行车的时候还是个孩子呢。Oh sonny, when I learned to ride a bike I was just a tyke.

我要把你丢在沙滩上,让野狗来把你咬走。I will let you be on the sand beach, and let tyke bite you.

小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡着了。Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol.

所以你的孩子在帮助拯救地球的同时又能拥有好用的玩具。So your tyke can have her pretend cake and help the planet, too.

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我告诉你他是一只鹳咬着尿布扔下来的。I tell you that one stork dropped the little tyke off in a diaper.

下面就先来看看关于小王子,你可能不知道的五件趣事。Here are five interesting things you might not know about the royal tyke.

小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡着了。小心别吵醒他。你看。Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.

实际上,如果你从一个失明的人,变成一个视正常的人也是件十分可怕的事情。And it is a very scary tyke actually that transform yourself from somebody who would be blind to somebody who would be sighted.

你的小孩开着它也很安全,因为车子没有引擎——这车速度仅仅取决于小家伙能把“油门”踩得多快。Your kid will be relatively safe inside, too, because there is no engine—it's a car that only goes fast as the little tyke can pump its pedals.

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哈利·乔尔·奥斯门特在“第六感”中的演出没有为他赢得奥斯卡最佳男配角,但是这个有潜质的小孩子仍然光辉四射。Haley Joel Osment missed out on an Oscar for his precocious turn in The Sixth Sense, but the talented tyke isn't fading into obscurity just yet.

泰克可能了珠穆朗玛峰的探险队,但世界街头外套保持你的男孩,在他的第一个冬天的雪天使和打雪仗舒适。Your tyke may not be up for expeditions up Everest, but the Gotham Jacket keeps your boy cozy during his first winter of snow angels and snowball fights.

“战友之间没有什么见怪的,”他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可能做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。"Not between old comrades in arms, " he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him.