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他厚颜无耻地奉承她。He flattered her shamelessly.

然而我们还是不知羞耻地调笑危险。And yet we flirt shamelessly with risk.

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你怎么能在众人面前表现的毫不动容?How can you behave so shamelessly in public?

他只是不知廉耻地剽窃他人的创意。He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.

他会在你面前毫不羞耻的跟别的女人调情!He'll shamelessly flirt with other women in front of you.

那个男人无耻地抛弃了妻儿,另觅新欢。The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman.

一个单身汉是不会为展示放恐怖电影或者至少乱放电影而感到内疚的。A bachelor shamelessly displays horrible movies, or at least random movies.

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这是由于它使我们相当不知羞耻地看到人的眼睛里去。This is the result which allows us look into people's eyes rather shamelessly.

那位候选人厚着脸皮地讨好观众,以获得更多的支持。That candidate shamelessly played for the gallery in order to get more support.

出口韩剧也是韩国人无耻自我吹嘘的一个途径。Exporting TV dramas is just one way for Koreans to shamelessly promote themselves.

“谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你!”母鹅不怕难为情地点头鞠躬说。"Thank you, thank you, thank you! " said the goose, nodding and bowing shamelessly.

“谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。”母鹅一迭声的说道,害羞的点头致敬。"Thank you, thank you, thank you! " said the goose, nodding and bowing shamelessly.

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我和我朋友很欣赏她的这种精神,也就不再耍赖了。My friend and I really appreciate her this kind of spirit, will no longer act shamelessly.

那些罪人怎么能够如此恬不知耻地宣称他们是上帝的后代?How could those sinful people exclaiming shamelessly that they were the descendants of the Lord?

可怕的老板打破他的诺言谁无耻地付给我,我只好逆来顺受。The horrible boss break his promise who shamelessly underpay me and I had to roll with the punches.

而罗志祥偶尔露出的憨厚气质,倒也可以演张无忌。But Luo Zhixiang occasionally reveals the simple and honest makings, pour may also develop open shamelessly.

现在看看这些银行家,这些“下流”的富人们,这些曾经被彼得·曼德森毫不谦虚地歌颂的人们!And now look at the bankers, and all the other “filthy rich” characters once shamelessly extolled by Peter Mandelson.

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扫罗的女儿米甲、出来迎接他、说、以色列王今日在臣仆的婢女眼前露体、如同一个轻贱人无耻露体一样、有好大的荣耀阿。He uncovered himself today in the eyes of his servants' maids as one of the foolish ones shamelessly uncovers himself!

在这个时候,他比以前或是以后都更加厚脸皮的渴求,作为诗人的名望。He is courting poetic fame more shamelessly at this point in his career than he has before and perhaps that he will after.

正如一位高级美国官员所,“无须讳言,我们利用峰会之机,强力督促有关国家有所表示。”As a senior American official put it, “we used the summit shamelessly as a forcing event to ask countries to bring house gifts.