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还可以闻到大麻在某处燃烧。Cannabis could be smelled cooking somewhere too.

他为大麻合法化而斗争。He's campaigning for the decriminalization of cannabis.

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抽任何毒品都是不健康的,叶子也不例外。Smoking any drug is unhealthy, and cannabis is no exception.

虽然我们都会在学校抽些大麻,但这个实在是危险物。We all used to smoke cannabis in school, but this was hard-core.

作为毒品来源的大麻自然也跟警察沾不上边。Cannabis as a drug source naturally do not touch with the police.

它每次能将2公斤大麻弹入美国境内。Each time it can play the 2 kg of cannabis into the United States.

安迪,道格和西拉斯考虑在大麻的商业伙伴关系。Andy, Doug and Silas contemplate a partnership in the cannabis biz.

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你未婚夫不会对吃叶子有任何过敏问题的。Your fiancee shouldn't have any allergy problems with eaten cannabis.

叶子和他的有效成分THC在大多数毒检中都有。Cannabis and its active ingredient THC is tested for in most drug tests.

政府管制的有权出售大麻的咖啡店可以保持500克的存货。Government-regulated coffee shops sell cannabis and can keep stocks of up to 500 g.

此“大麻”又称汉麻、火麻等,其植株雌雄异株。Such Cannabis sativa is also called Han Cannabis sativa, Fire Cannabis sativa, etc.

Weiblen还寻求筛选更广的大麻属栽培变种从而使这种技术更加精练。Weiblen seeks to screen a wider range of Cannabis cultivars to refine the technique.

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找不到比这更好的表达来形容现在了,尤其是抽大麻的。This expression has never gotten any better than now, especially among cannabis users.

印度大麻会给人带来放松感甚至是睡意,因为它是一种温和的镇定剂。Cannabis can cause a chilled out feeling or even sleepiness because it is a mild sedative.

涉毒案件检材中大麻的定性及定量分析方法。Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for cannabis samples in the illicit traffic.

传统文献所言“五谷”、“九谷”,其中之“麻”是指中国传统的“大麻”。Cannabis sativa is included in both Five Cereals and Nine Cereals in the traditional literature.

阿根廷目前只有分级别的相对宽松的大麻烟草政策。Argentina only recently entered the ranks of countries with relatively liberal cannabis policies.

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纳特承认,对于精神病症来说,吸食大麻会带来一个“相对较小的风险”。Nutt acknowledged there was a "relatively small risk" of psychotic illness linked to cannabis use.

现年22岁的苏茜•福克斯以前常和朋友们旷课去公园里喝啤酒、抽大麻。Suzi Fox, now 22, skipped school with her friends to go drink beer and smoke cannabis in the park.

长期以来美国众多政界人士一直认为大麻不具有确证的药用价值。For a long time many politicians in America have argued that cannabis has no proven medicinal value.