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光明普照,如日不晦。Bright shining as the sun.

李必俊,一个阳光男孩。I'm vicent, a shining boy.

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潮湿的稀泥在脚下闪光。Thewet mud shining underfoot.

屋子里亮着灯光。Lights are shining in the room.

为什么太阳要普照大地?Why does the sun go on shining?

阳光正照射在我们脸上。The sun is shining in our faces.

那一抹白云,照不亮桥下的脸庞。Cloud, shining brightly on my face.

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是金子在哪也发光!Gold is shining brightly eveywhere.

一轮明月当空照。A bright moon is shining in the sky.

这个词的意思是月光映照在水面上。It means moonlight shining on water.

并在荣耀中光芒万丈!Shining in glory for all men to see.

这灿烂新的一天将呈现。This shining un-used day will bring.

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天空很晴朗,太阳普照大地。It's quite clear. The sun is shining.

那一片清辉的大海便是北冰洋。That shining sea was the Arctic Ocean.

眼里始终有荣耀在闪灼。The honor forever shining in our eyes.

阳光从窗户照进来。The sun is shining through the window.

我看得见空中的发光物。I could see a shining object in the sky.

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晚星明媚闪着金光。Evening star shining bright golden light.

他是闪耀亚洲的“动感舞王”!He is a brisk dancer shining around Asia!

擦这么多摩丝去勾引谁呀?”!Shining so many mousse to seduce Shuixia?