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像动物般的哀嚎,恸哭。Keening like an animal.

他热衷于体育运动。He is keening on sports.

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我以为我是沉醉于我自己的…I believed I was keening my reflexes.

性爱是人生之爱的原动力。The sexual love is the motive power of keening for life.

他听到雇员们因为数据丢失呛天呼地。He heard his employees keening and wailing over lost data.

人类的耳朵对恸哭的声音最为敏感。The human ear appears most sensitive to the sound of keening.

这是很细小的哭叫声,但它是出自这个活着的小婴儿。It was a thin, keening wail, but it was the cry of a living baby.

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绿色、安全、高效是养鸡业持续发展的关键。Fodder security ?the green produce is the key keening the chicken trade.

我听见自己悲痛如同听见别人在痛苦。I heard my keening as though I were listening to someone else sorrowing.

用你的肌肤感受风的冲撞,用你的耳朵倾听她的高歌,仔细聆听她的呼唤吧!Feel the rush of the wind against your skin and hear her keening cry in your ears.

哭丧开始,一群人跪在死者的灵柩前,此起彼伏地哭起来。The keening had begun. A group of people knelt down in front of the coffin and began to cry one after another.

他们想看看老人们常提到的银娇奶奶,要领略领略她那闻名于方圆几十里的哭。Hundreds of people swarmed to the funeral to have a look at Granny Yinjiao, who the elders often mentioned, and to enjoy her well-know keening.