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芭乐,芭乐,真好吃。Guava guava, good to eat.

番石榴是一种热带水果,营养异常丰富,和任何其他健康果蔬相比都毫不逊色。Guava is a tropical super fruit.

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你可以吃苹果或是芭乐。You can eat an apple or a guava.

我送她一篮凤梨芭乐。I brough her a basket of pineapple guava.

番石榴是南美的一种水果。Guava is a kind of fruit of South American.

本文论述了番石榴的自然传播方式。This paper covers the natural spreading of guava.

随机的餐馆。最远处那个看起来像番石榴。Random restaurant. Looks like some guava at the end.

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芭乐喜欢在过滤器附近徘徊。Guava likes to hang out in the water near the filter.

研究了壳聚糖对番石榴汁澄清效果。The clarification of guava juice by chitosan was studied.

番石榴还含有大量的纤维素,能防止便秘。Guava also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.

这是同一棵树的照片,刚好有两棵小小的芭乐。Here is a picture of the same tree with two small guava fruits.

有人当它是凤梨与芭乐,两样不同的水果。Someone mistook it as two different fruits, pineapple and guava.

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番茄红素还存在于西红柿、红色或粉红色的葡萄柚以及生长于热带的番石榴中。It also is present in tomatoes, red and pink grapefruit and guava.

冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affective ly.

人真的能在这里生活耶,猎猎山羊,吃吃番石榴和芒果。Someone could really live here, hunting goats and eating guava and mango.

核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合。Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic.

你相信我们在北加州,并没有这麽大棵的芭乐树吗?Will you believe we do not have such a large guava tree in northern California?

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我刚刚看到那个采芭乐的人在那边或是在芭乐树那边。I just saw a person there who was picking guavas at somewhere or around a guava tree.

会让人感觉到嘴里充满柑橘,杏仁,番木瓜,番石榴还有烟草的气息。These include citrus zest, apricot and tangerine with hints of pawpaw, guava and tobacco.

这条小路穿过绿色的田野,穿过芒果林、番石榴树和散落的寺庙。This path led through green fields, among mango groves, guava trees and through scattered temples.