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不佳的组件和完全无法书面证明的依赖Poor componentization and completely undocumented dependencies

这个措施是对非法移工的打击和入罪化。In essence this is a crackdown on undocumented migrants and criminalizes them.

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这还不包括为数不少的违章建筑和无证房屋在内。This does not include a large number of unauthorized and undocumented housing.

这里到处都是走私者、交易商、无证移民甚至奴隶。The place is rife with smugglers, dealers, undocumented immigrants, and slaves.

无证的魔法行为,这样可以使代码很难调试。Undocumented 'magic behavior' like this can make code pretty damn hard to debug.

而且,这还不能处理那些没有文档化的环境变量的问题。And that still doesn't deal with the problem of undocumented environment variables.

塔奇拉州还将无身份证明的移民驱逐出境,并逮捕双方边境上那些所谓的间谍。deportations of undocumented migrants and the arrest on both sides of alleged spies.

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WHATWG的早期对于文档化HTML中没有文档的特性的工作是非常棒的。The early work of WHATWG in documenting the undocumented behavior of HTML was brilliant.

我们建议微软停止把自己不稳定无证明的垃圾格式命名成这样,发音和我们差不多,谢了。We call it Stop Naming Your Unstable Undocumented Shitty Format To Sound Like Ours Thanks.

当消费者发现其无证售房,要求退还房款时,该公司不予解决。When consumers discover the undocumented method for refund limit, the company not resolved.

非法移民劳工要开车到很远的地方干活,但是他们没有驾驶证。Undocumented farmworkers have to drive long distances, but they don't have driving licences.

提案包括为目前居住在美国的一千一百万非法移民提供合法居留的途径。They include a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country.

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Regem科尔普斯,一个18岁的无证菲律宾,肯定是拉批准。Regem Corpuz, an 18-year-old undocumented Filipino, is certainly pulling for it to be approved.

我并不十分支持对工厂突然搜查时揪出了许多无证明文件的工人。I'm not particularly impressed with raids on plants that grab a handful of undocumented workers.

支持DAPA项目的人们表示,该项目可以大大减少非法移民感受到的恐惧。People who support DAPA say the program can greatly reduce the fear undocumented immigrants feel.

检查人员通过明察暗访,在市区内共发现了26家无证黑中介。Inspectors through investigations in the urban area were found 26 undocumented black intermediary.

我知道如果把时间费在做这些事上,那个时刻就会不留痕迹地逝去。I knew that if any time was wasted trying to do all that, this moment was going to pass undocumented.

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有些无证劳工的孩子,他们取得的成绩和父母辈们的关系甚少。Some are the children of undocumented workers, who had nothing to do with the actions of their parents.

与临州佐治亚类似,新法将加强对雇佣未注册工人的雇主惩罚。As in neighbouring Georgia, the penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers will be stiffened.

切尔托夫介绍了这项方案中适用于那些没有犯罪记录的无身份客工的规定。Chertoff explained how the plan would work for those undocumented workers who have not committed crimes.