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乳酸发酵是至关重要的减少葡萄酒的酸度。Malolactic fermentation is vital to lessen the wine's acidity.

在苹果乳酸发酵期间会转化为更圆滑的乳酸。Converted to smoother lactic acid during malolactic fermentation.

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将酒汁用气压机压榨后进行苹果乳酸发酵。Pressing in a pneumatic press, then systematic malolactic fermentation.

核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合。Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic.

一部分葡萄汁经历了乳酸发酵,增加了葡萄酒的柔滑感和浓郁度。A portion of the blend went through malolactic fermentation, adding a silkiness and body to the wine.

部分采用乳酸发酵然后在木桶中陈酿以增强饱满圆润的质地,烧烤和奶油的味道。Partial malolactic fermentation and wood aging impart a full, round texture and a toast, creamy tone.

浸渍前发酵过程持续4-10天,然后进行苹果酸乳酸发酵。The fermentation process goes on for 4 to 10 days until the maceration and then the malolactic fermentation.

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在酒精发酵之后,酒液将被留在大桶中进行轻度的苹果乳酸发酵。After alcoholic fermentation, there was no malolactic fermentation, though the wine was left on light fermentation lees.

之后酒液直接进入另一个不锈钢大桶进行自然的苹果乳酸发酵,并与橡木接触。The wine went to another stainless steel tank, and underwent a natural malolactic fermentation with the oak staves present.

本文研究目的是在发挥二氧化硫的作用下,尽量地减少其残留量和控制游离二氧化硫在苹果酸乳酸发酵中的释放。The aim of this research was to decrease the residual of sulfur dioxide and control the release of free sulfur dioxide in malolactic fermentation.

桶发酵有助于橡木香料和蜂蜜的细微差别,而乳酸发酵创建了一个柔软的乳状质地口感圆。Barrel fermentation contributes nuances of oak spice and honey, while malolactic fermentation creates a round mouthfeel with a supple, creamy texture.

酒体适中偏醇厚,莎当妮果香,橡木口味及二次发酵赋予此酒乳脂般的质感令其口味颇为平衡。The medium to full-bodied palate is well balanced with lively Chardonnay fruit, oak flavors and a creamy texture courtesy of partial malolactic fermentation.

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葡萄酒苹果酸-乳酸菌在葡萄酒苹果酸-乳酸发酵中对氨基酸进行脱羧反应产生具有毒性作用的生物胺。During the malolactic fermentation in wine by wine malolactic bacteria toxic biogenic amines were produced when amino acids was carried out the decarboxylation reaction.

这种古老而独特的酿造香槟的方法传自于他的父亲,而且传承了几代人。他们同时选择乳酸发酵这样会使香槟更加柔滑。Because when making his wine he uses the oldest methods taught to him by his father, this wine producer from a long line of them, opted for malolactic fermentation to soften his wines.

富含热带水果的口味加上乳酸发酵后带来乳脂般的口感,使酒体饱满而平衡,回味柔和,持久。The full-bodied palate is rich with tropical fruit flavors and a creamy mouthfeel, courtesy of the malolactic component. This is a well-balanced chardonnay with a soft lingering finish.

在后发酵过程中,先在中欧橡木桶中存放14个月,再置入法国纳维尔橡木桶中存放6个月。最后装瓶,并在上市前瓶藏10个月。Once malolactic fermentation is completed the wine stays in Central Europe oak barrels for a 14 months period, after which it spends another six months in French wooden vats from Nevers.