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我们喜欢用圆珠笔写书。We like to biro book.

不,这是一支圆珠笔。No, questa è una biro.

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圆珠笔是由拜罗发明的。The ballpoint pen was invented by Biro.

拉斯烙-拜罗发明了圆珠笔。Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen.

莫妮卡拿起她的伯罗圆珠笔,放在牙齿间转动着。Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth.

之后肯·帕克告诉汉利和弗兰克斯他与比罗的事。Then Ken Parker told Hanley and Franks about his drama with Biro.

比罗则向我声称是一位助手允许他拿走火柴。Biro claimed to me that an assistant had given him permission to take it.

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比罗向我展示了赫顿油画的背面,并指出指纹。Biro showed me the back of Horton’s canvas and pointed to the fingerprint.

然而比罗拒绝分享他的证据,说是赫顿反对这么做。Yet Biro declined to share his evidence, saying that Horton had objected to the idea.

比罗拿起我的笔,在指尖上划了个十字,并在我的笔记本上按了三次。Biro took my pen, wrote an “X” on his fingertip, and pressed it three times on my notepad.

我跟着比罗去了地下试验室,那里挂着他父亲的风景画。I followed Biro into his basement laboratory, where his father’s landscape paintings hung.

我觉得这幅作品是无价之宝,毕竟现存的莱昂纳多的真迹不多了。"I would say it is priceless. There aren't that many Leonardo's in existence, " Biro said.

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“指纹鉴定圈子都非常教条主义,”比罗在另一次谈话告诉我。“The fingerprint community can get quite dogmatic, ” Biro told me in another conversation.

帕克说是比罗告诉他用了一些“树脂工艺”排序,使指纹更加明显。He said that Biro had told him he had used some sort of “resin process” to make it more visible.

在画作拥有者的帮助下,比罗已经从波洛克在世的后代那里获取了DNA样本。With the help of the owners of the paintings, Biro had obtained a DNA sample from a living descendant of Pollock.

汉利只能被迫依靠比罗几年前贴在个人网站上的少量信息。Hanley was thus forced to rely on bits of information that Biro had posted on his Web site, several years earlier.

比罗告诉我匹配一位绘画艺术家的DNA,最终可以消除鉴证过程的任何疑虑。Matching an artist’s DNA on a painting, Biro told me, would finally remove any doubt from the authentication process.

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比罗告诉我,这种保密是为了保护自己客户的隐私并防止任何人滥用指纹。Biro told me that such secrecy protected the privacy of his clients and prevented anyone from misusing the fingerprint.

正如韦特海姆所说的,“因此比罗先生发明了概念,设计出了照相机,还造了出来,它真的是世上唯一一台吗?”As Wertheim put it, “So Mr. Biro invented the concept, designed the camera, built it, and it is the only one in the world?”

当我问比罗,帕克夫妇那幅画上的指纹是否造假时,他专注地盯着自己那杯酒。When I asked Biro about the allegedly forged fingerprints on the Parkers’ painting, he peered intently at his glass of wine.