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华君武画的一个人,与这条鲦鱼很相似。Hua Junwu painting of a person, and this is very similar to minnow.

即使是蓝鲸宝宝,相较之下也能让一名成年人看起来给小鲤鱼一样。Even as a baby, a blue whale can make a grown man look like a minnow.

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然而最小的鱼种,黑头呆鱼的数量却发生了变化。But the population plunged in the smallest fish species, the fathead minnow.

突然追击者又出现了,看起来就像一只乌贼即将吞下一只小鱼。Suddenly the Pursuer appeared again, looking like an enormous squid about to swallow a minnow.

这种面目狰狞的小鱼是数目最庞大的淡水鱼家族的成员,不过其獠牙迄今无其它物种可出其右。The ghastly minnow is part of the largest family of freshwater fish—but so far its fangs are unique.

“胡说,”小鲦鱼说道,“你怎么可能是一只青蛙呢!昨天晚上你还是一条鱼呢,就像我一样。”"Nonsense, "said the minnow . "How could you be a frog if only last night you were a little fish, just like me!

森林边有个水塘,水塘里有一条小鲤鱼和一只小蝌蚪。他们是形影不离的好朋友。At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends.

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阳光明媚,一群小鱼游来,每条小鱼都在湖底投下一条细小的、清晰且锐利的身影,数量陡然增加了一倍。A schoolof minnows swam by, each minnow with its small, individual shadow, doubling theattendance, so clear and sharp in the sunlight.

于是我用一根鸡毛做假饵的主体,用军籍牌上的一些珠子做眼睛,制作了一个看起来和小鱼一模一样的假饵。Using a chicken feather as the body and some beads from a military ID tag as the eyes, I tied a fly that looked exactly like a minnow.

研究人员还发现含氯样本水对两种当地生物胖头鱼和水蚤有毒。The researchers also found that the chloride-laced water samples were toxic to two endemic species—the fathead minnow and a water flea.

成群的小鲦鱼悠悠游过,每一条都投下纤细的瘦影,形影相随,在阳光照映下,亮晃晃的,那么耀眼。A school of minnows swam by, each minnow with its small, individual shadow, doubling the attendance, so clear and sharp in the sunlight.

池塘会养育青蛙的受精蛋或是小鱼,但每一种蛋都是适合这个环境的力量型式的一种。It may support the fertilized egg of a frog or a minnow , and each of the eggs will respond to just those types and forms of energy that are appropriate to it.

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原因都在于对蔓延扩张的担忧,担心希腊违约可能不只扩散到葡萄牙和西班牙,而是牵扯范围更广,令整个欧元区步其后尘.It was all about contagion, fears that default in economic minnow Greece could spread not just to Portugal and Spain but beyond, crushing the euro zone in its wake.

如此不起眼的公司设法通过在国外预先营销影片和利用其它国家对在加州以外拍的制片人的出口退税来保护投资者。Such a minnow tries to protect its investors by pre-selling films apoad and exploiting tax rebates offered by other states to filmmakers who shoot outside California.

如此没有起眼的公司设法经由过程正在国中预先营销影片战操纵别的国度对正在减州以中拍摄的制片人供应的出心退税去庇护投资者。Such a minnow tries to protect its investors by pre-selling films abroad and exploiting tax rebates offered by other states to filmmakers who shoot outside California.

并希望能引起我国科研和工程界对排水管道泥沙问题的重视,达到抛砖引玉之效。The authors hope that this paper can catch the researchers" and engineers" attention to sediment transport in sewer, and has the effect of throwing out a minnow to catch a whale.

Rebbapragada估计在未来三年内亚洲市场将以两位数的速度增长,这对于亚洲来说是重大转折,因长期以来都是由北美主宰全球海上旅游市场。Rebbapragada expects double-digit growth in Asia for the next three years -- quite a turnaround for a region long ranked as a minnow in the North American-dominated global cruising market.

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需要的技巧是使渔民相信,他们的长远利益应与鱼类资源的利益一致,这大于他们的仅仅快速获得一些剩余的小鱼的短期利益。The trick is to persuade them that their long-term interest, which coincides with that of the fish, trumps their short-term one, which is to extract the last minnow as quickly as possible.

因此,本文仅据现已掌握的大量史料,抛砖引玉,力求恢复河汾文学流派在中国文学史上所应具有的历史地位。Therefore, this paper throws out a minnow to catch a whale so as to resume the historic status of Hefen Literature School in the Chinese literature history according lots of held historical materials.