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我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew.

唷,是的,今天我们要庆祝脱离英国而独立。Phew. Yes, today we celebrate our independence from Britain.

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啊,我确实有了博客,意识到这一点,让我获得了很多快乐提升。I did get a major happiness boost from realizing that phew , I do have my blog.

有很多的内容吧!别忘了这只是本书的前三分之一。Phew ! That's a lot of information, and that's only the first third of the book!

另一种观点则认为,德国人带来了的变化,哈,早该如此。The other view of the changes the Germans have brought to Groupon is — phew — it's about time.

唷,这是一个经历了很多我想,但我现在希望你在WPF布局的基础知识。Phew , that was a lot to go through I suppose, but I hope by now you have the basics of layout in WPF.

这是控制。你可以继续在这个疯狂的代码隐藏和做各种花式的事情。Phew . That's it. That is the control. You could go crazy on this code-behind and do all types of fancy things.

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噢对,可能就是这样哦。唷,我本来还觉得身体出了什么大问题呢!好啦,我们继续做节目吧。Oh yeah that could be it. Phew I was convinced something terrible was wrong with me. Right, let's get on with the programme.

你免遭解雇。或者你的公司不准备大面积地裁员。无论如何,你是一个幸运者。Phew. You survived the culling. Or maybe your company has managed to avoid a mass layoff. Either way, you're one of the lucky ones.

此外还从传热与流阻性能、传热效率、紧凑性和经济性等方面对板式换热器的整体性能进行了评价。The bulk characteristics of the PHEw ere evaluated from heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics, heat transfer efficiency, compactness and economic characters etc.