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这是架宝丽来快速相机。This is a Polaroid Land camera.

宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。Polaroid film is very sensitive.

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我们也有这些拍立得相机。We also have these Polaroid cameras.

最后套上一个假的宝丽来边框。Finish it off with a fake Polaroid frame.

这是紫宸第一次看见拍立得照相机。It was the first Polaroid Zichen had seen.

我曾跟你说过我有拍立得相机是吧?You know that polaroid film I told you I had?

你可以下载图片宝丽这里。You can download the polaroid picture from here.

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擦除和道奇的边缘拍立得相片。Erase and Dodge the edges of the Polaroid picture.

我们喜欢快照,于是就购买宝丽来照相机。We like fast pictures, so we buy Polaroid cameras.

这是宝丽莱公司的吉米给你打电话。Zhang, this is Jimmy calling from Polaroid Company.

使用水彩颜料来润色宝丽来转移。Use watercolor paints to touch up Polaroid transfers.

从宝丽来相机结合部位,使一个很好的一。Combine parts from Polaroid cameras to make one good one.

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宝丽莱是一个真正的美国技术成功的故事。Polaroid was a genuine American technology success story.

使用宝丽莱机创建一个老照片拼贴。Use a Polaroid machine to create a collage with old pictures.

她最喜欢的相机是她祖父的SX-70。Her favorite camera is her granddaddy’s SX-70 Polaroid camera.

蒸水,用热水灼从宝丽乳液。Use hot steaming water to blanch the emulsion from a Polaroid.

甚至是已去的Polaroid即拍相机也杀了个回马枪。Even the venerable Polaroid Instant Photo is making a comeback.

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拍立得公司申请联邦破产保护。The Polaroid Corporation files for federal bankruptcy protection.

宝丽来移机具有非常有限的曝光设定。The Polaroid transfer machine has very limited exposure settings.

下面的一些照片使用宝丽来胶片拍摄的。That being said some of these photos were taken with Polaroid film.