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你怎么评价这个事件?What do you recon this event?

侦察的第一步是找到敌方据点。Your first recon task is to find the enemy.

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一个装甲侦察小组一般不超过三辆车。The armored recon group shall not be more than 3 vehicles.

侦察排的战士到这时候又都腿脚不灵,步履不稳了。The men in recon were clumsy now and uncertain of their footing.

我有没有讲清楚这是一次侦察和寻物行动?。Did I not make it clear that this was a recon and extraction mission?

我的侦察班在贝多因的一个小营地与萨达姆军队交战。My recon squad had engaged Saddam's army in a small Bedouin encampment.

只要对敌人的扩张有很好的侦察,在游戏中取胜往往并不困难。Often winning the game is as simple as making good recon on enemy expansion.

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侦察在孢子和山洞任务完成后会升一级――多好……Force Recon gains a level when Parasite Spore and Caves sub-missions are completed.

这张战术地图是来自最近我们对反射点因维德蜂房的飞行侦察。This tactical diagram is from our last recon flight over the Invid hive at Reflex Point.

而且帕特森上将的八艘战舰组成的战斗群正在断层空间中等待着。And waiting for their recon data in slipspace was pattersons battle group of eight ships.

高级侦察突击队的传统并没有随着詹戈•费特在22BBY的死去而消失。The Advanced Recon Commando tradition did not end with the death of Jango Fett in 22 BBY.

随后,两名克隆人士兵“蜡匠”和“沸腾”在村里侦察时发现了她。She was later discovered by clone troopers Waxer and Boil during their recon of the village.

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我已经告诉你们终止攻击了!为甚么还要射下侦察机?AWACS Thunerhead Wardog, I told you to terminate your attack! Why did you shoot down the recon plane?

一个麦可罗斯人的侦察机刚刚飞过峡谷,并且没有发现他军队的存在。A Micronian recon ship had already overflown the canyon and failed to detect the presence of his troops.

我需要一个有阿凡达身躯的海军侦察兵在敌营做我的核心力量。A recon Marine in an avatar body could get me the intel I need, on the ground, right in the hostiles’ camp.

哈根爵士的部队由殖民地的港口登陆且佔领了城镇后,派出了一个小队侦查矿坑山谷。Lord Hagen's unit lands at the port of Khorinis, occupies the town and sends a squad to recon the Mine Valley.

海洋侦察已经开发出来,提供深入生活的滋味是在ADF海军潜艇是详细的见解。Ocean Recon has been developed to provide detailed insights into what life is like as a Navy Submariner in the ADF.

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耐尤指挥官和他的侦察军在萨鲁卡米平原上的巡逻由绝地大师斯塔丝。艾列领导。Commander Neyo and his Recon Corps were led by Jedi Master Stass Allie during their patrols of the Saleucami plains.

背负式机器人是一种行动敏捷,检测战场形的机械单位,常被用于炸弹拆除,侦察及其它战略任务。The PackBot is an agile, battle-tested unit that's been used for bomb dispersal, recon and other tactical operations.

你控制一个先进的战斗和侦察车,必须面对许多危险和障碍来完成他的使命。You control an advanced combat and recon vehicle that must face many dangers and obstacles to accomplish his mission.