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他真像个彪形大汉。He looks a real bruiser.

他真像个彪形大汉。He looks a real bruiser.

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布鲁斯在这里!欢迎。Here's Bruiser. Welcome.

布鲁斯伍兹,看看你的妈妈。Bruiser Woods, meet your mom.

你想成为一个外星人格斗家?Do you want an alien bruiser?

他叫布鲁塞尔。想抱他吗?His name is Bruiser. Do you want to hold him?

一个潜伏者不应该站出来面对一个类似战士的壮汉,也许一个心灵武士可以。A lurk cant stand up face with a bruiser as well as a fighter or even a psychic warrior can.

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到这周,小壮汉已经有5英寸长,5盎司重了。Your little bruiser has reached a length of about 5 inches and a weight of about 5 ounces this week.

同样,民主党内的激进分子也未对其好斗的党派领袖小泽一郎抱有希望。Similarly, young Turks in the ranks of the DPJ vest few hopes in their party leader, Ichiro Ozawa, a political bruiser.

在短短十年间,这个小小的新兴市场已经转变为一个可以与美联储主席本·伯兰克交手的的缘政治中的彪形大汉。In just ten years a small emerging market has transformed into a geopolitical bruiser that can go toe-to-toe with Ben Bernanke.

在短短十年间,这个小小的新兴市场已经转变为一个可以与美联储主席本·伯兰克交手的地缘政治中的彪形大汉。In just ten years, a small emerging market has transformed into a geopolitical bruiser that can go toe-to-toe with Ben Bernanke.

挡板身材粗壮,喜欢应用他的“破坏性的球”拳头武器,相似于神奇四侠。Bulkhead is a bit of a bruiser. He likes using his "wrecking ball" hand weapon and is rather like the Thing from the Fantastic Four.

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现在,危机已经过去了。这位中部大汉第三次地被这个薄情的政党拒绝了。如果他现在感觉苦涩,也不会有人因此而责备他。Now that danger has gone. The Midlands bruiser has been rejected for the third time by an ungrateful party. If he feels bitter today, no one could blame him.