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我喜欢你的新头像图片。I love your new avatar picture.

这是我,这是我的虚拟化身。And this is me, this is my avatar.

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“他是谁?”阿瓦塔阿谛达问。"Who is that?" Avatar Adi Da asked.

你的头像换了,好帅啊!Your avatar changed, so handsome ah!

在记分牌加头像的图像。Added avatar images to the scoreboards.

你们中有多少人有第二人生化身?How many of you have a Second Life avatar?

选择不加载职位头像图片。Option to not load avatar pictures in posts.

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在印度教,卡尔基阿瓦塔表示“未来的阿瓦塔”。In Hindi kal ki avatar means "tomorrow's avatar".

“你的意思是我—这个身体?”阿瓦塔阿谛达说。"You mean me—this body here?" Asked Avatar Adi Da.

头像被评为2009年最佳剧情片。Avatar was named as the best dramatic film of 2009.

在印度教,乌宠库尔玛是毗瑟奴的第二个化身。In Hinduism, Kurma was the second avatar of Vishnu.

“那么这幸福在哪儿?”阿瓦塔阿谛达问。"Where is the Happiness then?" Asked Avatar Adi Da.

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一个身材优雅的女性阿凡达走过来,站在他旁边。A statuesque female avatar walks up, standing over him.

参与心爱的阿瓦塔美赫巴巴的亲爱兄弟姐妹。Dear Sisters and Brothers in Beloved Avatar Meher Baba.

我不确定在阿凡达上是否真的有会飞的龙。I'm not sure whether there are flying dragons on Avatar.

阿凡达程序和那帮软蛋科学家一样不过是个笑话而已,还好我们有自己选择的余地。The avatar program is a joke – buncha limpdick scientists.

“他是谁?”阿瓦塔阿谛达问。“你的意思是幸福?”"Who is that?" Avatar Adi Da asked. "Do you mean Happiness?"

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我不用再用傻卡的左右互搏图当头象了,我可以用自己的了。I no longer need to use his picture as avatar. I can use mine!

班那哈罗是猛兽狂怒的极致化身。Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.

拖动图片到你的头像区域文件,以更改它。Drag a picture file into your avatar area to change it as well.