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只有一个楼梯吗?Is there only one stairway?

我应该走楼梯下去吗?Shall I go down the stairway?

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宽阔的石阶上尘土飞扬。Dust swirled on the broad stairway.

这是一种多功能楼梯。Here is a muti-functional stairway.

这梯子靠在墙上。A ladder or stairway within a hatchway.

法雷尔把它称为他登上天堂的梯子。Farrell calls it his stairway to heaven.

火舌沿楼梯迅速向上蔓延。Tongues of flame leaped up the stairway.

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我们设法将楼梯地毯固定住。We managed to tack down the stairway carpet.

构成阶梯起伏让众生攀登拾级。And forms a fold stairway that all of us climb.

他们已经知道了最近的楼梯井。They had already been shown the nearest stairway.

同时打开梯道门的控制器。Controls for unlocking stairway doors simultaneously.

到塔顶可以乘电梯或走铁梯。The top can be reached by elevator or by iron stairway.

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乳白的黄昏蹑进楼梯和下面的楼梯口。A milky twilight crept about the stairway and the landings below.

可是不多时,楼下的河水已涨到了楼梯平台上。Soon, however, the water i ide had risen to the stairway landing.

可是不多时,楼下的河水已涨到了楼梯平台上。Soon, however, the water inside had risen to the stairway landing.

迈克。塞丹从二楼顺楼梯走进病理科。From the second floor Mike Seddons used the stairway to reach Pathology.

世人试图筑起可达天庭的阶梯,然而雅各看到的却是恩典之梯。People try to build stairways to heaven. But Jacob sees a stairway of grace.

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第一个美军被卡住了,也许是在楼梯往上四分之三处。The first marine was stuck, maybe three-quarters of the way up the stairway.

当你进入到L住宅时,通高的楼梯空间首先映入眼帘。The tall stairway is the first identification space when entering the L house.

埃布罗斯克球场13号看台楼梯意外坍塌,66名球迷不幸遇难,奈杰尔就是其中之一。He was one of 66 people to lose their life when Stairway 13 collapsed at Ibrox.