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但浮士德博士仍然表示,变化是必须的。Still, Dr. Faust said, change is needed.

浮士德长大包围在弗吉尼亚州的雪兰多山谷的历史。Faust grew up surrounded by history in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.

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同样是把灵魂卖给魔鬼,浮士德做的买卖倒是比他划算多了——这部电影比玩具展还失败。Faust made a better deal. This isn't a film so much as a toy tie-in.

以下的梦将会显示,我们想到「浮士德」,并非不合宜。The following dream will show that this reminder of Faust is not out of place.

某种程度上说,这是现代版浮士德,这就是我对它的看法。In a way this is a modern re-telling of the Faust myth. That's how I looked at it.

故事讲述的是欧洲中世界的传说人物浮士德的事迹。This story tells about the beginning of the life track of great wizard and mage Faust.

玻尔教授是一个伟大的崇拜者歌德并背诵经文的浮士德向他的孩子们。Professor Bohr was a great admirer of Goethe and would recite passages of Faust to his children.

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德鲁吉尔平福斯特当选哈佛第28任校长,也是该校历史上第一位女校长。Drew Gilpin Faust has been named the University's 28th president and the first woman to hold the positions.

那是一种肯定积极的人生、是一种实践与创造的精神,是追求理想生活及一种坚持。Faust Spirit means positive living attitude, practical and creative mind, also means in pursuit of ideal life.

在魔鬼的帮助下,浮士德恢复了青春,并成功获取了纯洁的天主教徒——玛格列特的芳心。With the help of Mephisto, Faust was able to return to youth and succeed in pursuing Margaret, an innocent Catholic girl.

现代教育如果不能在时间哲学上超越“浮士德时间”,就不能超越知识论教育哲学。This paper opines that transcending the philosophy of "Faust time" is essential for transcending epistemology philosophy of education.

包括浮士德教授在内,八个富有竞争力的四个私营院校是女性校长,被誉为东北长青藤联盟。With professor Faust women now head four of the eight highly competitive private universities in the north east known as the Ivy League.

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浮士德博士说她已经讨论过一种将穿着者的体型考虑进去的标识方法,但猜想零售商会恼火。Dr. Faust said she had been discussing a new kind of label that takes into account the wearer’s shape, but expected retailers to bristle.

福斯特称,目前学校正在想办法缩减开支,并考虑调整薪酬政策,哈佛大学每年的薪酬成本占其总预算的近一半。Faust said the school is looking at ways to cut spending and will review compensation costs, which account for nearly half of the budget.

虽然有被文学表述浮士德之前马洛的发挥,浮士德博士是第一个著名的版本的故事。Although there had been literary representations of Faust prior to Marlowe's play, Doctor Faustus is the first famous version of the story.

他在跨过水沟时遇见一个看门婆,她嘴上有胡须,手里拿着扫帚,那模样,够得上到勃罗肯山①去找浮士德。As he strode over a gutter, he apostrophized a bearded portress who was worthy to meet Faust on the Brocken, and who had a broom in her hand.

著名的学者及历史学家德茹•季尔平•佛斯特当选哈佛第28任校长,也是该校历史上第一位女校长。Drew Gilpin Faust has been named the University's 28th president and the first woman to hold the positions. She is a noted scholar and historian.

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“艾伦是一个优秀的学术领导,他给哈佛大学的跨学科研究带来了一个非比寻常的经验的宽度,”福斯特说。"Alan is a distinguished academic leader who brings to Harvard an extraordinary breadth of experience in research across disciplines," said Faust.

如果说浮士德和堂吉诃德是艺术创作的杰出代表,这是因为他们用尘世的双手向我们指出了无限崇高之处。If Faust and Don Quixote are eminent creations of art, this is because of the immeasurable nobilities they point out to us with their earthly hands.

哈佛总统德鲁吉尔平福斯特说,这笔资金将来自于资金从各种来源,包括强有力的回报,哈佛大学的捐赠。Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust said the money would come from funds from a variety of sources, including the strong returns on Harvard's endowment.